3// Dreams

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Nathen pulls me outside with him before he leaves church. "Ok so I know I just met you but you are beautiful and I have been wanting to do this ever since I saw your face..." He leaned in close to me and cupped my face with his hands. Before I know it his lips are against mine. I gasp while his lips are on mine, pull away, and slap him. "We just met! How dare you!!" I run inside just to run into Logan. He see's my face all flustered and asks what's wrong. "Nathen just kissed me and we..." Logan slams his lips against mine. Again what's up with all these guys just randomly kissing me?! All of a sudden I hear, "What the hell Sierra?!" It's Aspen. Logan pulls away acting like I was the one who kissed him first. Aspen took Logan's side. No matter what I did I know she would never forgive me.


I lurch up in my bed and gasp from the bad dream. It's 6 am. I pull out my phone to text Cassie.

Me: Cass... I need to talk to you at school.

Cassie: What!

Me: I had a dream that I kissed Nathen...

Cass: and that's bad how???

Me: but  also Logan to.... ugh I'll see you at school. and DO NOT tell Aspen!

I go through my other text messages and see that Nathen had texted me.

Nathen: Hey babe ;)

I don't reply and hit the erase button. I can't think about him right now. To get my mind off of this whole morning and my dream I decide to shower. I have a couple hours to get ready before school starts. I walk into my bathroom and turn the water to hot. I jump in and gasp from the burning water and turn it down. I shave my legs and finally get out. It's already 6:20 am. Goodness. I wrap myself in a towel and start to blow dry my hair completely and fish tail it to the side when I finish. As I walk into my closet I grab my Aztec tank top and slip it on. Then I go to my dresser picking out denim high waisted shorts and put them on. To top off my outfit I put on simple gray vans. As I walk into my bathroom again the steam hits me and makes me have to take a breath. The mirror is all blurred. I pull our my makeup. I don't wear much just mascara and eyeliner. There's never anyone to impress at school.

The smell of crispy and greasy bacon moves throughout the air and my taste buds suddenly crave it. I grab my backpack and prepare downstairs. As I suspected there was bacon set out on the table along with chocolate chip pancakes. Its 7 am by now. I slather butter and syrup onto my pancake and take a bite. Mmmm delicious. My moms cooking has always been the best. My phone buzzes.

Cass: get to school early so we can talk

Me: okeyyy

School starts at 8:45 so I decide to get there around 7:45.

Me: 7:45?

Cass: alright

"Hey mom do you mind bringing me to school a little early? Like 7:45?" "I can do that." "Thanks." "I never got to talk to you about last night. How was it?" "Oh church? It was good. Better than I expected." I blushed thinking about my dream. My phone buzzes again.

Nathen: Hey ;)


*10 minutes later*

Nathen: You there?

I really do not want to talk to him.

Nathen: Did I do something?

I decide to respond.

Me: no. sry I haven't responded. just have a lot to think about. can't talk right now.

Nathen: Ummm ok. ttyl :)

7:30. I go sit on the couch and start to read my book. I started it two days ago and I'm almost done. It's really good. Time flies as my mom walks into the room telling me it's time to go. The trip to my school, Miami East High School, is about 10 minutes. My mom turns on the radio. 'Good Morning Miami, Florida! Today will be a pretty nice day here. High 91 degrees, low 80 degrees. First song we'll play for you today will be Royals by Lorde.' I think that it was a good idea to wear shorts and a tank top but mostly everyday here in Florida I can wear shorts. Most my wardrobe is shorts and tank tops. The song starts to play and I sing along. "I've always admired your voice." "Thanks mom."  As we pull up to the front of Miami East High I see Cassie standing by the doors. I run up to her and hug her then she says, "So? We really need to talk."

Okeyyy! Thanks for 45 reads! Let's get to 60! Tell all your friends to read it please omg it would mean so much. Message me if you have any ideas or want to have a small part in the story, maybe..... Thanks will update again soon! :) bieee

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