16//Lost Girl

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Sierra's POV:

The next morning I wake up and Sara isn't next to me. "Sara?! Sara!" I run through the whole house screaming her name then bump into Nate. "Nate uh hi have you seen Sara?"

"Well goodmorning and no I haven't, maybe she just went to get some air go check outside." He gives me a quick kiss and I run to the backyard. When the screen door slams behind me and I have scanned the whole yard Sara is no where to be seen. I decide to call her cell. It rings and rings then her voicemail comes on.

"Hey Sierra! You're moms car isn't here." Shit! She went out driving in the night unstable from crying and who knows where she could be. She could be with Trevor right now or lost somewhere. "Shit Nate! Shit shit shit. Nate we need to find her." "Alright alright calm down we'll find her. Jump in my car we can go driving around looking for her."

"It's been 2 hours Sierra.. There's no where else to look..." So many thoughts fill my head for where she could be then the lightbulb comes on.
"Oh my gosh! I can't believe I didn't think of it earlier. Go to the graveyard Trevor was buried." I feel stupid for not even thinking about going there.

We arn't very far away from it so we get there in a matter of minutes and right away I see Sara on her knees in front of Trevor's grave.

Nate starts to get out of the car. "No Nate, uh could I just go talk to her for a sec? Text everyone we asked if they knew where she is and tell them we found her and she's alright." He nods to me and I exit the car. It's freezing, probably around 35 degrees, out. Thank goodness I have my winter coat on and so does Sara.

As I approach Sara from behind I hear sobs and whispering coming from Sara. I pick out a few words, "Gonna see you soon," were the words that stood out the most. "Sara?" She jumps and bolts up. "Oh uh hi Sierra I was just here... talking to Trevor." "Yea Sara we were really scared. You should have left a note or texted me or told somebody... Sara I thought something bad happened to you. The roads are icy and there's lots of traffic and something bad could have happened to you and you could have ended up in the hospital or worse." Then she blew up.

"MAYBE I WAS PRAYING TO DRIVE ON AN ICY PATCH AND NOT BE ABLE TO CONTROL MY CAR AND RUN INTO A WALL OR ANOTHER CAR OR SOMETHING! WHAT IF i DON'T WANT TO BE HERE ANYMORE WITHOUT MY BEST FRIEND! WHAT IF MY LIFE IS SHIT NOW WITHOUT HIM!" Her voice lowers to a loud whisper, "i don't want to be here Sierra... I'm so lost without him. I don't know how to live... I constantly feel a rock in my chest and I can't breathe. I can't think. i have no emotion but depression." A fresh batch of tears fall from her eyes and down her cheeks falling to the ground and she looks down. I go up to her and grab her face between my hands.

"Sara. It's hard, I know. Everyone most likely knows what it feels like to lose a loved one and some people know the feeling to lose someone you are IN LOVE with. And I'm so sorry Sara for Trevor not being a harder fighter with his cancer but there was nothing we could do. The cancer was so big already." I pull her into a hug, "You need to stop wishing you were dead to. I love you to much that I would be in the state you are right now if you died, no doubt about it. I can't lose another person that I love. Nobody can, ok?" "Ok..." I link my arm through hers and walk her back to my mom's car that she borrowed.


lol haha that's my effort. i tried. honestly idek if its winter... but it is now! its not very long but if i start updating again then they'll be really short. tonight i just had a longing to write. i'm not even that good at it haha. i'm thinking about giving it an ending soon so i don't feel guilty for leaving you hanging, so let me know what you think. anyways comment what else i should write about and if you liked it and please please please VOTE??? love you all and have the most merry christmas and new year!

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