Chapter 14 Off Goes Ashton

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A/N: YAY! I've got a new cover that I made. Ashton looks like Evan Peters. But when I see his face in this picture, this is what I imagine his face would look like when he sees Ashtyn and Luke talking or whatever. Or when Calum comes up to Ashtyn. Or when Michael answered the door. The "annoyed" face if you will.

It gives me inspiration.


Ashtyn's POV

I let Ashton guide me onto Calum's doorstep and saw him close the door shut so the other's couldn't hear.

"Let's hear it." I crossed my arms."I'm ready for a scolding."

Ashton just looked at me and bit his lip.

"What?" I asked.

He sighed and stared at the door. "I'm sorry."

That took me by surprise. "What?"

"Look, I'm not your father and I'm tired of yelling at you for hanging out with them. You have the right to hang out with whomever you please. You are even allowed to have a stupid crush on the person I hate most on this earth."

I smiled at that.

"When I saw how you were yelling at Calum to sped up when I drove by earlier, I realized that all I ever did was yell at you for being with them over the past few days. I don't want to yell at you. I don't want to fight with you. I don't want you to end up hating me at your wedding when you decide to marry that loser in there."

"He's not a loser," I said with a small laugh.

Ashton sighed and laughed too. "The point is, I was wrong to stalk you and keep you away from them. Even though I think they are bad influences and will convince you to do bad things."

"Ashton, I know you care about me and thank you for apologizing. But I have my own life to liv. You aren't always going to be there for me when I make bad choices. I have to learn for myself. Let me make mistakes on my own. Then I will come crying back to you and you will have to help me."

"I'll always be there for you." He winked. "Even when the "non-loser" breaks your heart and destroys your dreams."

"Thanks Ash," I said and hugged him.

"Welcome Ash," He replied.

"Pizza!" The pizza man suddenly arrived.

Michael opened the door. "Whoops! Sorry I'm ruining this priceless moment of friendship, but I'm starving!"

"Watch it buddy!" Ashton threatened him with a glare. "And don't make jokes about Ashtyn being locked anywhere! I will hunt you down and find you. It's not funny."

"Whatever, man, I'm hungry. Now can I have my pizza please?" Michael demanded.

The pizza man handed him the box and Michael threw money at him.

"Ashtyn! Come inside so we can eat!"

I looked at Ash. "Do you want to come in for some pizza."

He raised his eyebrow.

"Too soon?"

He sighed. "No, if these punks are going to be your friends then I had better learn to like them."

Things got bad quick.

Ashton made Luke, Calum, and Michael sit on the floor while he sat next to me on the couch. We all awkardly ate our pizza and looked at the floor.

"So," Ashton spoke up and looked at Calum. "Ca...."

"Calum?" Calum said.

"Yes, Calum. Where are your parents?"

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