Chapter 12 The Great Escape

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The next day, I packed my bags so that I could sleepover at Calum's house. I knew it was a stupid idea, but I mean... I didn't want to disapoint him.

When the bell rung, I dahed out of school to avoid Ashton and quickly found Calum.

"Cal!" I gasped for breath. "Hey!"

"Hey, Ashtyn! You ready?" He smiled.

"Yea, we just will have to go by my house and pick my bags up. Is that alright?"

"Sure!" Calum nodded. "Right now we are just waiting for Michael and Luke."

Luke. Luke, Luke, Luke. Luke was sleeping over too.

I felt my cheeks flush.

"Okay." Was all I said.

Suddenly, Ashton came into view.

"HIDE ME!" I screamed and jumped behind Calum.

Ashton's gaze swept over Calum and he started walking over towards him.

"OH an, we're busted." I grunted.

"No, just keep it cool." Calum told me.

"Hey, Calum Hood." Ashton stopped a few feet away. "Have you seen Ashtyn?"

"No." Calum said very quickly. "I mean... yes. She went that way." He pointed to the right.

"Why would she go that way?" Ashton wondered.

"There was.... a fight!" Calum suddenly laughed. "Yeah."

"Oh." Ashton narrowed his eyes. "Well, if you see her, tell her to meet me at my car." Then he walked off toards where Calum pointed.

I almost burst out laughing. Ashton didn't see me hiding behind Cal? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

"WOW." Calum said his eyes wide.

"That was halarious." I agreed.

"I thought you were going to tell him." Calum faced me. "You know, stand up to him like we talked about."

"I was going to save that for anothe day." I blinked. "I just really want to hang out with you guys. I"m not going to risk it."

"Hey guys!" Came a call.

Luke and Michael were walking towards us. My eyes widened. Luke's shirt was unbuttoned and his abs were visible to anyone who looked.

"Yeah, I"m not risking it." I said and Calum gave me a wierd look.

"Hey, Ashtyn, you got past the mighty Ashton!" Michael laughed.

"Yeah, I just hid behind Calum." I said.

They all laughed.

"Now, let's go before Ashton..." I started to say before I saw that tall blonde marching towards us.

"ASHTYN!" Ashton called.

"GO! GO! GO!" I screamed.

We all jumped into Calum's car. Calum got into the driver's seat and Michael grabbed shotgun. Luke and I dove into the back, landin on each other.

Calum recklessly backed out.

"You better stop right there!" Ashton shouted at him.

"Too late sucker!!!!" Luke cried out the window as Calum sped out of the school parking lot.

"ASHTYN COME BACK!" I heard Ashton call.

All of us laughed as Calum slowed down to regular speed.

"That was great!" Michael cried.

"The best ever!" Calum laughed.

"That was..." Luke paused as he accedently slapped me in the chest. We were kind of all over the place becausre we had dove into the backseat. "Ugh, sorry." He blushed.

"It's fine." I said a little too quickly. "It's not a big deal..."

"TO ASHTYN'S HOUSE!" Calum screamed.

We arrived at my house and I quickly jumped out of the car and ran up to my door. Calum joined me, ready to adore my parents into letting me spend the night.

"Make it fast." I told him. "We don't want to bump into Ash."

He nodded.

My front door opened, my mum standing there.

"Hey Mum!" I smiled.

"Hey Ash." My mum laughed.

"Hey, Mrs. Brooks." Calum greeted.

"Calum, hi dear. How are you?"

"Great." Calum answered.

"HOLD ON I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!" I burst into the house and ran up the stairs to my bedroom.

I grabbed my bag and thne scurried back down the stairs.

"- so is that okay with you?" Calum asked my mum. He was a fast explainer.

"I guess so." My mum said uncertainty and looked at me. "Ashtyn, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"I hink it's a great idea!" I said quickly "I love the idea. Haha. Calum's a great guy mum. HE is very trustworthy. I trust him anyways. So we'll just begoing now. Yeah, yeh, we won't stay up my bedtime because we've got school tommorow and I'll get to school on time, I promise!" I sad it so fast, my mom was staring at me with wide eyes. "BYE MUM!"

"By sweetheart." My mum called after us as I ran back to Cal's car. "Be responible!"

My eyes widened. I didn't know what her xact meaning behind that was, but I called back. "Okay...."

I shut the car door and buried my face in my hands.

"Whoa, Ashtyn." Michael taunted. "You're mum just told you to...."

"I know I know!" I exclaimed and the looked at Cal. "Now can we go before... OH MY GAWD THAT'S ASHTONS CAR! DRIVE CAL DRIVE!!!!!"

And so we drove away, passing a angry Ashton in his nice new car.

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