Chapter 20 The News

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A/N: idk there is no excuse that I haven't updated in forever but I promise it won't happen again! :) here is the update (pls don't hate me) and I added a new 5sos book called Classic to makeup for my slack. Chapters 1 & 2 are up already!!!!

So some stuff about Ashtyn's past is about to come up! Mysterious... Enjoy!!!


Michael and I finished our day at the arcade by eating lunch at the small café around the corner.

I had been eating my soup when Michael froze, eyes wide.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Mira is here," Michael whispered. "Behind you."

I causally looked behind me to see Mira glaring in my direction, fire in her pupils.

Spinning around I said, "she's staring at me!"

"Hello Michael," a voice suddenly sounded before Michael could reply.

I turned and she was right there. She was glaring at me with cold eyes and I looked down quickly.

"Hey," Michael said drily.

"Mike, why are hanging out with a slut?"

I turned to face her. "I'm not a slut!"

"And, Ashtyn..." She smirked. "How nice. Are you on a date? If so then that makes you a slut?"

"A friend date," I answered. "What's it matter to you? And plus I'm not a slut because I don't sleep around you idiot."

"I'm just curious," she said. "Luke dumped me out of the blue. And boys just don't dump me for no reason. There is a reason."

"Well it's probably not me," I said sarcastically. "I mean why would he dump you for silly old me? Dumb and ugly Ashtyn."

"You're probably right. You are dumb and ugly," she said.

"Oh wait, what's that one thing that different between you and I..."  I paused. "Oh yeah. I don't make up rumors about me and my boyfriend." I stood up and got in her face. "If you every say anything bad about Luke again, I'll pound you."

"Relax Ashtyn Brooks," she hissed. "I could ruin your life in a moment."

"Actually you can't," I said "I'm an open book Mira. Anything embarrassing about me everybody already knows." Then I smirked. "So why don't you run off before I start telling Michael about 291."

Mira blushed and the abruptly walked away, frowning in disappointment.

"Whoa," Michael gasped. "That was... Incredible... I thought you were going to crush her."

"That's not the first time I have fought her," I said a matter of factly.

"You totally kicked her ass."

I shrugged. "Girls are vicious, Mikey. You have to stand your ground."

"What is 291?" He asked.

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because it's the only thing I have against her," I said softly.

Michael nodded in understanding and we finished our meal.

Right after we decided to leave, Michael got a FaceTime request from Calum.

"What ya want?" Michael asked, staring at Calum's face.

"Michael! Ashtyn!" He said excitedly, his eyes wide. "Jet to Luke's house quick! Something big is happening!" Then he hung up.

We exchanged a look and jumped in Michael's car. It took five minutes to get to Luke's house. It was a cozy home with beautiful flowers planted out front. Michael smiled at me as we walked up the drive.

"Oh you are going to love Liz!"

"Who's Liz?" I asked.

"Luke's mom."

Before I could say anything else, Michael knocked on the door and a woman opened the door. She smiled at us. "Michael! How are you sweetie!" Then her eyes landed on me. "Oh, you must be the famous Ashtyn! Come on in! Luke and Cal have been waiting for you."

We shuffled inside and thanked Liz before dashing up the stairs to Luke's room. Luke and Calum were sitting at his desk, typing on his computer. The room was small but big enough for some space and three guitars by the wall.

"It's about time!" Luke exclaimed upon seeing us. He ran over to me and pulled me inside his room, shutting the door behind me. "We got news!"

"What news?" Michael asked curiously.

Calum spun around in the spinning chair. "We've been invited to perform at a venue a few hours away from here!"

"That's great!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"It's not big but it's a freakin venue!" Luke shouted happily. "I can't believe it."

"Guys I'm gonna cry," Michael joked.


"But?" I questioned Calum.

"There's two problems."

Michael gave him a look. "Go on my good friend."

"One, its on a school day..." Calum said slowly.

"Mum would never let me go," Luke explained. "And we can't turn this offer down. This guy who had invited us knows recording companies! It's suicide to our future if we refuse."

"Simple, we skip school..." I said. The three of them gave me bizarre looks. "What? I'm not as innocent as I seem!"

"It would have to be an overnight trip," Calum argued. "It's five hours away and we start performing at nine at night."

"Hmmmmm..." Luke thought.

"We say we have an overnight field trip," Michael suggested. "To... To  a Melbourne museum or something. We steal some permission slips from school and bring them home to fool our parents. They won't question it."

"That might work," Calum replied with a nod.

"Okay great!" I grinned. "One problem down! What's the other?"

Luke frowned. "We need a drummer."

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