Chapter 9 Ashtyn Brooks ~ The Music Nerd

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A/N: WOW guys! 1,000 views.

You must like 5SOS or something because I've only put up like 9 chapters!!!


If you like this, I will write it and update it more often, deal?

Okay, now back to the book!


Ashtyn's POV

My eyes widened as the principle came over to the four of us.

"Is there a problem?" He muttered.

His name was Mr. Rockwell or something like that.

"Yes, theses idiots were throwing food and squirting ketchup at each other!!!" The girl pointed at us.

I tried to rub the kethcup Luke had gotten on my cheek off.

"Throwing food?" Michael raised in eyebrows in confusion.

"Yeah, I'll admit squirting ketchup, but we never....." Calum tried to say.

"I need to see all four of you in my office." Mr. Rockwell eyes all of us.

"But!" I tried to protest.

"Save it!" The girl accused and pointed at me. "You were doing it to!"

"No she wasn't." Luke defended me.

"Then why does she have ketchup on her face and why is she holding a ketchup packet?" The Principle asked, giving me a hard look.

I blinked and dropped the packet. "Well you see..."

"All of you." The principle growled. "In my office now."

I looked over at Ashton as I stood up and he was giving me that hard look.


Now I was gonna get a talk from him on the way home from school.

Everyone's eyes burned on me as I followed Calum out the door of the lunch room and down the hall to Mr. Rockwell's office.

I nervously, wiped the ketchup off my face.

"Let me." Luke came up beside me, and rubbed a napkin lightly against my cheek.

I let him and he fixed his beautful eyes intently on me as he wiped it all off.

"Thanks." i smiled when he had finsihed.

"No problem." He smiled back. "It's the least I can do for getting you in trouble."

"Awwww Lukey and Ashy got in trouble." Michael tesaed.

"Shut up!" Luke scoffed.

"Ya, you look nervous Ashtyn." Calum laughed.

"I've never gotten in trouble before." I admitted.

"Oh....." he looked away. "Sorry."

"It's okay." I tried to smile. "One little dint isn't gonna hurt."

We all piled into Mr. Rockwell's office.

It was really small, so we were basically all on top of each other.

"I'm am very disapointed in all of you." he growled as he sat in his rolley chair. "High schoolers played with food? That's ridiculous."

We all blinked at him.

Then he looked at Luke.

"Luke Hemmings, I expect better things out of you boy."

Luke nodded and absently looked away.

Then he looked at me.

"I've never seen you before." He peered at me.

"I'm Ashtyn Brooks." I said. "I'm 15."

He typed something in on the computer.

"Ashtyn Brooks." He said, reading off the screen. "You have a 4.0 GPA average, skipped two years in Writing Class, and Have a 100 in Calculus....?"

"That's me." I gave a weak smile.

"There is also a note that you write the instrumentals for Chrous and band...." Mr. Rockwell gave me a glance.

He looked impressed.

The other boys were gazing at me too.

"Yeah..." I trailed off.

"Why is a girl like you throwing food at lunch?" He asked me blankly.

"Because she wasn't." Luke retorted.

Mr. Rockwell sighed. "I'm sorry, but I have to go off of what I see and it looks as if you were apart of that, Ashtyn."

"So...." Michael sighed. "What is our puncishment?"

"You four...." Mr. Rockwell thought before he was going to speak. "All of you are in charge of cleaning up at Homecoming."

"What!" Calum exclaimed. "But that means we won't get to go!"

"You're right." Mr. Rockwell nodded. "You are not allowed to cme until 10 minutes before it's over."

"But that's stupid!!!" I excalimed randomly.

Everyone looked at me.

"I'm sorry Miss Brooks, but this is the punishment." Mr. Rockwell said firmly. "You are all dismissed."

We all slowly walked out of the room.

I sighed.

"Sorry Ashtyn." Michael gave me a small hug.

"S'okay." I shrugged. "I wasn't going to get a date anyways."

"You don't know that." Calum blinked.

"Yeah," I shook my head. "Who would want to go out with Ashtyn Brooks, the music nerd?"

Calum was about to reply when there was an angry figure waiting otuside the door.

And it just had to be Ashton Irwin.


I'm toast.


A/N: What did you think?

Anything I could make better?

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