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"darling towel "arjun yelled from inside

"can't you even take a towel with you mama"aishu too yelled back

"I was busy doing romantic romance with my wife "he yelled and she smiled and took the towel from the cupboard and went near the door

"aishu, how long will you take
Come out fast "deepali nervously told and aishu hitted her forehead and left the towel in the door handle

"mama, towel is in the door, I have a important work to do "aishu told and went out .

"how long will you take "deepali asked

"sorry DEEPU, I totally forgot "aishu told

"it's OK, but how will you take DEEPIKA and navya out
Normally brides are not allowed out na "deepali asked

Temple ,jyothika periyamma and durgama will definitely leave them out for temple "aishu told and deepali nodded

"why do these men give all hard works only to us "aishu told with a annoyed face

"just wait and see
If their so called plan fails "deepali told

"just wait and see If their so called plan fails "deepali told

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Navya got ready in a simple churdair and was watering plants

When Prem entered

"Good morning "Prem told and she turned back and saw him

"a very good morning groom "navya told with a smile
Prem smirked at her and left in

Navya sighed and continued her work

According to their plan, they will kidnap navya  from the temple
So, for that  the girls have to take her out.
And they are taking DEEPIKA too, as navya would't get any doubt

"navya, why don't you join us to the temple "aishu asked

"from when, you started to go for temples aishu "navya asked

"not me, navya
It's your sister who wants to go and even DEEPIKA is coming with us
You see last hang out has, from tomorrow her single is gone end "aishu told smiling nervously

Navya smiled and all 4 went to the temple

Prem's mens were all around the temple
Navya noticed it and stood still in the place
DEEPIKA went in

"what happened, navya "deepali asked nervously

"when are they gone kidnap me "navya asked

"wh..what "aishu asked nervously

"I know him and his men's very well aishu,
Just try to understand me and leave me "navya told and left immediately

"navya...stop"deepali yelled from behind but navya didn't stop

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