She left

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"Deva "aishu called surprisingly

Deva, aishu and the other family members got themself busy talking among themselves
But then there was 3 boys lost

Arjun was looking at aishu
It seems like he was controlling his angry
He saw Deva pinching her cheeks and she rubbed the place pouting

Truth was Arjun is possessive  ,he himself didn't know it.

"huh.... Aishu MD messaged I guess it's something important, so I think he will call you in one or two days "Deva told and she hummed

Here, Prem and navy were in a stareing competion
Navya could slowing feel herself falling for him but she knows falling in love with someone withine 2days is impossible ,so she named her new Feelings as CRUSH

Deepali was busy having her dinner and dhrva sat in front of her with his hands on his cheeks looking at her so lovingly

Deepali stood up to leave but dhrva held her hands
"you didn't eat properly "he told and she chukled sadly

"why do you care "she asked sitting down in the chair

"because, tomorrow you are gone be my wife and I have to take care of you, love you, protect you "he told holding her hands

"nobody loves truly "she told removing her hands from his

"then let me be your nobody "he told and she stared at him for a minute and left the place
dhrva took a deep breath and leaned back strecting his hands

"sweety, tomorrow is a long day why don't we go to sleep now "prabas asked

"I know about you well ACP sir
You go and sleep I will join you later "Anuska told and prabas made a sad face and sat next to her

"OK, guys bye it's getting late"deva told and stood up from the sofa

After he went everyone ate and from morning till now our Aishu didn't give a look to that handsome boy who was following her like a lost puppy

"durgama I am sleepy, I will go sleep in the terrace only "Aishu told yawning, she stood up to leave only after she finished eating cause food is important dude

"hey, wait aishu we will also join you
Navya, amulya and jyothika told

"OK, will be waiting up "she told and went up and changed her dress and prepared the bed

Soon she her whole family coming up which mainly includes arjun

"what are you guys doing here "Aishu asked shocked

"we came here to play cricket "dhrva told sarcastically

"very funny avatar "Aishu told with a forced smile
And Arjun smiled hearing here nickname to his friend

"we all are gone sleep today in the terrace Aishu, like we use to do in your childhood "Surya told and Aishu smiled

"don't you think it's a very good idea prabas "Surya asked

"very good idea "prabas told with a very sweet smile and Anuska chukled silently to which he pinched her waist

Everyone slept in their place and Aishu was sleeping like a panda without caring about anything, Prem went to his parents hotel
Arjun was also fast asleep
And only dhrva was awake starring at the sky

2017 September 4th

deepali was sitting in the royal Enfield with was now in full speed
Deepak,  love of her life was driving the bike
They were in a long drive to celebrate their 4th year love anniversary
And all of sudden the bike lost control and deepak hit with a truck and they both fell down on the road
As deepali was wearing a helmet noting big haapped to her but deepak was badly hurt and was laying in blood

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