"You're doing it wrong."
Shinso sighed as she once against critiqued his punching method.
"Why are you acting so puffy? Just give a full swing."
"That's not very specific, Y/N."
Sunny ran up the deck stairs as Y/N charged at Shinso, giving him a punch at the chest. It made him stagger back and hold his hand at the sight of impact.
"You're the one that was complaining about not being able to go to your training this week. I'm only trying to help."
Shinso fell down to the ground, still grasping his chest.
"You're probably more strict than my teacher."
She laughed while joining him on the ground.
"I highly doubt it. Why can't you train with them anyway?"
"He's taking the hero courses on a trip to the woods or something. Kaminari didn't tell me much about it."
"He's some hero course student who thinks we're pals."

She laughed again, covering her mouth with her hand. Seeing the pink, raw skin that curled around her fingers, Shinso sat up and took hold of her wrist.
He brought her hand to him, inspecting it.
"You burnt yourself again."
Her smile dropped and instead her face flushed at his observance.
"I already told you that control isn't my strong suit."
"What were you doing?"
Her throat dried up at his question. She had to remind herself that he promised he couldn't make her talk.
"I was just trying to light a candle and lost control of my heat exertion. I'm fine."
"Maybe you should just invest in a lighter," he joked, "are you sure it doesn't hurt?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. Flame can last on my skin longer than yours because my body is already heated, so it doesn't hurt as much."

He sighed, letting go of her arm.
"Your watch it gone too."
She rubbed her wrist where it was usually held.
"Someone gave it to me in a bet. I decided to return it."
"I kinda liked it. It was my color," he smirked, leaning forward
"Oh? Did you always want me to be reminded of you?"
Shinso bit his cheek, not aware of how good she was at avoiding his teasing.
"I can give you a more permanent reminder."

She smiled, giving his cheek a gentle pat.
"That honestly sounds like a threat, Shinso. You should work on your comebacks if you're going to flirt so much."
She stood up, holding out her unhurt hand for him to hoist himself up with.
"You should go before my parents realize I'm not alone out here."
"You mean they don't constantly check on you? They took me as those kinds of people."
"I think they'd rather pretend I don't exist than make sure I'm still outside."
Shinso hated her tone, the unbothered attitude of hers towards something that sounded so serious.
"I can talk all night later if you're up for it."
"I'll have to see," she gave a sad grin before turning back to her house and letting the cat in before herself.

Shinso made his way next door, his mind buzzing with concern.

"Stop being a baby."
Y/N continued to clean up Jin's face despite his complaints.
"I didn't expect you to punch so hard," he mumbled.
"You're teaching me to fight people. Do you expect me to be gentle?"
"No, but not to land a hit on me on the first day."
Jin climbed down from her kitchen counter, grabbing his own bandages instead of letting his girlfriend do it.
She watched his glum expression as he stuck a bandaid on his face.

"Here," she said, taking her watch off, "you taught me, you can have it back." She slid it towards him, but he made no effort in taking it back.
"Jinny, there's no need to be upset. You're a great fighter."
He stepped up to her and attached the watch back to her wrist.
"I'm not. You can admit it. I'm the only person Aizawa teaches who hasn't won a fight against him."
"Then I teach you one move and you strike me right in the cheek. I can't even dodge against some general studies kid."
Y/N crossed her arms, somewhat offended.

"Am I just some general studies kid?"
"No! No, you-I'm in the hero course, Y/N. I'm supposed to put up a fight. I'm supposed to be the strong one between us."
"You don't have to be the strong one."
Jin took hold of her arms, his grip strong.
"I'm in the stronger class! I was there before you! I should be the strong one! I'm supposed to save people! I am! Not you!"
She looked closely into his wide eyes, the anxiety making his pupils diluted. He wasn't digging his nails into her skin for obvious reasons, but her own quirk tried to fight against his hold.

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