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"What do you think?"
"It looks good, Tomo."
Tomo smiled, clapping her hands excitedly.
"Takuzou said it looked tacky! I swear we can never agree on anything!"
Y/N smiled while trying on the jacket Tomo had made for a hero course student.
"There's gonna be a bunch more upgrades next year, so I wanna try and perfect my sewing skills before I get flooded with requests."
"Aren't you already busy enough?"
"A little. Someone punched a hole in the library so I've been asked to fix it."

Y/N handed the jacket back and Tomo held her hands over a bad seam she had made.
"You can say no to people," Y/N responded, resting her hands on the girl's shoulders, "You aren't required to help people just because your quirk is a fix-it tool."
"I like helping people. It's like I'm a hero in my own way without all the trouble!"
Tomo released her fingers from the hole in the jacket and it was revealed to be fixed and perfect like it should've been.

"I like having a purpose on campus," Tomo smiled, folding up the jacket and putting it away for storage. "What do you think your purpose is, L/N?"
Y/N shrugged, tapping her foot at the grin that seemed permanently fixed on Tomo's face.
"I'm not sure, but I want to make people happy and feel safe whenever I'm around."
Tomo laughed.
"You've already succeeded, L/N!"

Shinso hated the presence that lurked behind him. He could easily hear the loud footsteps of his follower and decided to try and ignore it the best he could.
Every time he stopped, the feet were delayed in reaction.
He assumed it to be many people and hoped it to not be one certain classmate in particular.

He continued to walk and as he neared the steps, Shinso stopped once more and groaned.
"What, Kaminari?"
Kaminari yelped and showed his face from behind the wall.
"Hey, Shinso, buddy! What's up!"
"What do you need?"
Kaminari pushed his fingers together and looked down at the ground bashfully.
"I wanna go to the support department to pick something up, but I sorta don't wanna go by myself."
Shinso groaned again and grabbed Kaminari's arm, dragging him down the hallway.
"Hero course my ass. Can't visit a room without accompaniment?"

Kaminari remained silent, soaking up the embarrassment without words needed.
Opening up the support department room, Kaminari crept inside, waiting to be spotted.
"Hey! Kaminari!"
"Hey, Hatsume."
"What are you here for? Looking for something?"
Hatsume was covered in dirt and grime but remained perky and upbeat.
"I'm looking for my wristband. It broke and you said it could be fixed?"
Hatsume nodded, turning on her shoe and throwing around boxes filled with gadgets.
"It's not in the finished piles. Lemme check something."

Hatsume's eyes shimmered as she skipped over to a closet and swung the door open.
A screech sounded from the closet.
Shinso and Kaminari squinted at each other as the closet wasn't illuminating light, yet someone seemed to be working in there.
A tall figure popped out from behind the frame and looked over at the first-years.
"What's wrong?"
"Do you know who's working on Kaminari's wrist band?"
"Probably Tsuki, he's a slow-poke. What's wrong with it?"
"Snapped in half. Someone broke it."

Tomo smiled and closed the closet behind her, grinning at Kaminari.
"I'll fix it! I've got a bit of time to spare, so where is it?"
Hatsume retrieved the band from the backroom and Tomo took it from her grasp.
"It won't take too long. Metal is really easy to fix," she giggled, placing her palms on top of the gap in between it.
Kaminari stepped closer and watched at the split seemed itself back together. Showing off the final product, it looked brand new.

Kaminari cheered as he took it from her.
"Thanks! See you around, Shinso!"
He grumbled as the blond slipped out of the room, leaving him awkwardly standing in a room he didn't belong in.
"Do you need anything?"
Shinso shook his head at Tomo, who surprisingly came to his height.
"No, sorry. He was just bugging me. I'm sorry we bothered you."
"It's no problem! I like helping out! Getting visits make me happy."
Hatsume ruffled up Tomo's hair.
"Don't sound so sad! We'll find you a new try-on partner soon."
Tomo gave a nervous chuckle and bowed to Shinso.
"I'll see you around. Thanks for stopping by."

As he left the room, Tomo was walking back into the dark closet. He grumbled, only really worrying about getting home.
Shinso headed downstairs, not exactly feeling guilty for forcing Kaminari to simply go to classrooms by himself.
Shinso had talked directly to Class 1-A once, and since then, Kaminari has sorta spotted him every chance he got.
Once Shinso left campus he rode his bike down the road to make it to the train station on time, but immediately got distracted when he spotted a familiar figure on the children's playground in the park.

He stopped his bike to see if it was really her and sure enough it was.
Setting his bike at the edge of the playground, he stepped into it, his feet crunching the mulch that was laying on the ground.
Y/N looked up from the swing set she was sitting and smiled.
"What's up?"
Shinso grabbed onto the chain of the other seat, using it to balance himself as he leaned down.
"Heading home. What are you doing?"
"Just chilling."
"Did you skip school?"
She chuckled and shook her head, beginning to swing back and forth.
Shinso back away and sat down on his seat.

"You don't have a uniform then?"
She was wearing shorts, a thin shirt, and a dirty and disheveled jacket. She looked like she was homeless.
"That's a nasty bruise you got there," Y/N grinned, poking the colored patch on his face.
He rubbed his cheek and she giggled at him, turning to face forward again.
"Your training I assume?" She inquired, "You don't seem like the type to get in school fights."
"Yeah, it's my training. This guy I was fighting can really throw a punch."

She nodded, digging her hands more into the chain handles. It pinched at her skin and rubbed against the raw patches she had recently burned.
"Hero course students are pretty strong. You'll fit right in."
He rolled his eyes at her cheeky smile.
"He's in general studies for your information-"
"So you're just a little baby then?"
"I can punch well too."
"Sure you can."

Shinso began to kick his legs too, making the seat move back and forth. She was going slightly higher than him, but they could still hear each other.
"So, why the hero course? Any particular reason?"
He nodded quickly, sliding his hands up on the chains and holding onto them for life.
"I wanna be a hero. A real one. I want to be a hero more than anything."
"You think that's your purpose then?"
"Yeah, I do."
She bit the inside of her cheek, feeling the pinching at her fingers beginning to sting.

"So what's up with your quirk that you didn't get in initially?" She asked, her voice becoming clouded with dew.
"It just didn't work for the exam they used."
"Why? What is it?"
Shinso had tried to stall that question the best he could. He cursed himself for being careless.
"It's a voice thing."
Shinso grimaced at his words.
A voice thing? What the hell is wrong with you?!
"A voice thing? There are tons of voice quirks. My friend has one. What's yours like?"

Shinso grumbled and started to bump his feet into the ground on the downswings. His swing began to slow down.
She decided to follow suit and kicked at the ground as well.
When the two teens were at a standstill, Shinso raised his head.
"I've got mind-control."
She was silent, processing his words, before pushing her seat back up, making it return to its slow swing.
"How's that a voice quirk?"
He staggered and let go of the chain, setting his hands in his lap.

"If I ask a question and someone verbally responds to me, I can control their minds."
She chuckled and started to kick the air to go higher.
"Cool," she replied casually, making nerves prickle at his skin.
"You think?"
"Shouldn't you think? You're the one joining the hero course."

She laughed more as she began to go higher on the swing. Her jacket would make noise with each swing as the material crinkled against the air.
"Heat Manipulation," She said quickly when her face got low. On her next downswing, he saw her grinning more. "Mind Manipulation."
Her feet crashed into the mulch below them and her body jolted as her seat made a quick stop.
"We make a good pair."

He noticed the tired look in her eyes and the cover of clouds above them.
"Are you sleepy?"
She nodded, resting her head against the chain handle.
"I thought this jacket would keep me warm enough. Seems not."
"Can you use my body heat to warm you up?"
"Not without giving you hypothermia."
He blew a raspberry a stood up, holding out his hand to her.

"Let's get going then. The train station has some lights you can use."
"Sounds good."
She gently took his hand to hoist herself up. She felt extremely tired but continued to try and stay awake the best she could.
Shinso walked beside her to the station with his bike rolling between them.

He was definitely curious why she was near his school, considering they lived so far away from it. He scolded himself for questioning her and instead just kept a watchful eye to make sure she didn't fall asleep on their way back home.

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