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The teenagers walked side by side, Shinso's hand locked in Y/N's despite the heat it radiated.
"You're quiet now," he said, making her flinch. "How come?"
Y/N could only think of one thing to get him off her back. He looked up from his phone, a text pinging in.
"You need to go back to U.A."
"You need my help. I'm not leaving you."
"You need to go back."

Y/N's hand was starting to her from his grip.
"You aren't going to solve anything this way."
"I'm going to be your hero. Just trust me."
Shinso and her stood still in the street until her hand started to burn his flesh.
"Ow!" He pulled away, her arm catching on fire as she stepped away from him.
"Shinso you're fucking insane!"
"Huh?" His hand was red as he held it in front of him.
"Look at yourself! Why the hell are you okay with leaving U.A behind!"

Shinso held his burnt hand to his chest.
"Tell me!" She screamed, flames rising behind her back, making his face burn from the heat.
"I don't understand."
Y/N wanted to cry. She wanted to more than anything. It would've felt good. It would've calmed her. But all she could see was clouded smoke.
"Fix the system bullshitter! You're disgusted with what happened because you believe you could've done something!"

Y/N felt sweat dripping down her back, the flames consuming her.
"You're obsessed with the idea of heroically fixing my life!"
Shinso realized her skin was bubbling, her arms getting burned deeper than before.
"You don't want to be a villain, you just want to save me from being one!"
He held out his hands, "Y/N, calm down. You'll kill yourself."

"I'm sick of this! I'm sick of it! I'm tired! I'm exhausted! I have no purpose anymore!"
"Y/N, stop it!"
"Go back!" She yelled, the winds unable to put out her fire, "Go back to U.A! Go back!"
"Y/N what do you want me to do?!"
"Go back!" She gasped, her eyes becoming dim and her fire instantly died. Her body was smoking, filling the air.
"Y/N, you can't let Tomo tell on you."

What?! What the fuck! What is this bullshit! Tomo?!
Her body started to move, head turning to the side. Tomo stood with her phone by the U.A dorm gates, having received a text from Shinso.
"She needs to be stopped. Otherwise, she'll get in our way."
Why is he doing this?! Why?! This idiot!
Tomo stood in shock upon seeing Shinso with Y/N at his side. The smell of burnt flesh was prevalent, almost unbearable.
Y/N felt her legs move towards her.
Stop it! Stop it! Shinso! Don't make me do this! You asshole!
"Y/N? Shinso? Why-? I thought you wanted-Shinso why is she doing that?"

Shinso watched as Y/N made her way to Tomo, slowly, but she walked.
This won't help me! Why does he think that?! Does he think that if my plan sees through, I'll be happy?!
"Shinso, why does Y/N look like that?" Tomo received no answer, instead looking around for teachers, but found none.
"Shinso, please answer me!"
Shinso, stop this! This won't fix my life, it'll only ruin yours!

Y/N stepped onto the street Tomo stood upon, wrapping her hands around her throat.
"Shinso!" She cried, unable to speak further as fingers tightened around her throat.
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
"Once you get rid of the liar, your truth will be revealed," Shinso explained, walking over to the quarrel in the street.
No, you idiot! Stop being stupid!
Tomo's hands pushed at Y/N's face, her coughing and gagging making Y/N want to cry. Tomo's skin paled, her arms becoming weaker.

Shinso saw the stress, even in her grey eyes. It made his stomach churn, his eyes trailing to Tomo as she held onto life by its thread.
"Y/N, let go."
She did just that, Tomo hacking and coughing once Y/N released her hands.
Shinso couldn't bring himself to go through with it. He couldn't bring himself to let Y/N go, though.
"I'm sorry," he covered his face with his hands, mind swirling with conflicting feelings.

Y/N regained her body, Tomo's bruised neck the first thing she saw.
"Hitoshi," Y/N whispered, watching him run his hands through his hair.
"I don't get it. I don't get it," he mumbled. "I want to save you. But how?! If I can't save you how can I save anyone else?!"
"Hitoshi," she repeated, standing up to him, "I'm just not meant to be saved."
"That's bullshit!" He claimed, "I can help you! I can, I promise!"

Tomo took her phone, finding herself unable to call for help. Y/N would get in trouble. Again.
"You can't. Stop ruining yourself like this."
Shinso began to cry, thick tears falling down his face.
"Y/N, don't give up."
"I already have. I planned to kill people at your school. I planned to kill your friends. I never meant to get so close to you."
"You-we-you're better than that."
"I killed Jin. I'm clearly not."

Tomo dropped her phone beside her, refusing to turn Y/N in again.
"I just wanted us to be happy."
Shinso felt her hands touch his face, her soft smile touching his heart.
"I was too much for this world. I always have been. It was inevitable."
He hated that word.
"But if you become a hero, the future doesn't have to be so set in stone."

Shinso took her arms.
"You deserve so much more than this."
Y/N could feel the body heat of a new person arrive. They were hidden somewhere, completely out of sight.
She knew what she had to do.
"Hitoshi, please live, okay? You have to in order to save me."
Before she could respond, Hitoshi felt his body become immobile, his blood no longer warm.

Y/N was killing him.
"Wait-" he croaked, knowing what she was doing. He collapsed, his arms wrapping around himself. She took his heat slowly, allowing for him to remain stable enough to witness her departure.
"Live," she simply responded, before a pair of red eyes found her.

Like a switch off, Shinso felt his body heat return, only to find Y/N falling in a frozen state.
"Hitoshi!" From down the street, Aizawa stood, quirk activated, "Step away from her!"
He looked down at Y/N, who was slowly freezing. The normal human body heat she was given wouldn't sustain her.
Shinso grabbed her shoulders, more tears flowing from his eyes.

"Y/N! Oh god! No! Wait!"
She had a smile still stuck on her lips.
"You wanted this. You always wanted this!"
Her shaking hand reached up, cold fingertips touching his cheek.
"You didn't ask me to be your hero," he watched the water droplets fall onto her face, "you asked me to be a hero."
"You will be," her lips mouthed.
"No! Wait! He'll give it back! Your heat will return!"

Y/N already knew Aizawa gave her back her quirk. But she'd given up restoring the heat to her blood. She'd blocked it out, allowing herself to freeze.
"Take care of my cat," she whispered, the words unable to get any louder.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so stupid! Y/N! I'll live! I'll be a hero! I'll be the best one! The next time! The next time you're in trouble, I'll be there! Please wait for me! Please wait for me!"

Y/N closed her eyes, her fingers falling down.
Y/N had never got the chance in her life to enjoy the cold. It was always out of reach. She'd been told how nice it was. She'd been told how comforting it is. The cold had been waiting for her since the day she was born.
Through empty promises and a boy who wouldn't give up, she found it.

To Y/N, the cold felt warm.


Hey! I'm done! I'm sorry this one is short compared to the others. I meant it to be longer but was unable to do so. I'll explain so much more in my ending note as the journey of writing reject has been a long one.
Thanks to the loyal readers who are always there for an update. I'm glad you enjoyed my twisted take on a mha romance. Sorry for the angsty ending lol.
I'll see you around!

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