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"Try that person."
Her friend put her fingers to her lips, mumbling into it and then twisting it back around at the target.
The person they watched closely looked around themselves, trying to see who had called out to them.

The girls chuckled together, balancing on each other while they dangled their legs on the fence.
"I think the people around might be catching onto us," she chuckled. Y/N nodded, noticing how the people would give them a quick glance as they passed by.
"Maybe, but your quirk is fun to mess around with," Y/N complimented.
"So is yours."
"Not at all."
"I still don't understand you. Yours is really cool. Yet, you chose such a lame class to join."
"It's not lame with you in it."
"I know, but it's kinda a waste."

Y/N rested her head in her friend's shoulder.
"It's not a waste. Not when I get to be with you every day."

Shinso stopped at her front fence when he headed outside that morning. She wasn't outside and neither was the cat. Her house didn't look like anyone lived there. All the blinds were closed and there weren't any decorations on the porch. It was a clean bright white, the grass of the yard being the only color on the property. The place was boring. It didn't draw any attention.

He hopped onto his bike and headed to school, trying to forget about the resident of the drab house.
He rested his bike at the train station and leaned against the wall while waiting for it to arrive.
His shoulders were aching and he knew if they were still acting up, Aizawa would totally notice and use it against him later.

He didn't realize how cold it was since last night he had felt far from it. He wondered how she deals with winters and cloudy days before shaking his head. He had no right to worry about her quirk when he felt too scared to even tell her what his was.
Shinso grumbled as he brought his bike with him on the train. If he was late again, his teacher would definitely give him detention. His stupid bike and train combo weren't working as well as he hoped.

Shinso was still grumbling while biking the rest of the way to school.
He never knew what his day was going to be like.
Aizawa told him he would eventually let him join some of the hero course lessons, but he needed more training and experience with others before he could actually do that.
He wasn't sure where that experience with others would come from, so he hoped Aizawa would help him with that.

Shinso definitely had a lot on his mind during class. His shoulders ached more and his thighs were burning until he sat down.
He kept thinking about his neighbor, who was just a bundle of mystery. She acted strangely and her parents were totally weird.
He hoped to get home at the same time he did yesterday in order to see her again.

He flopped his head down onto his desk.
He had better things to worry about.

"Strawberry please."
Y/N and her friend sat at their regular place outside the ice cream shop. The table still had etches in it from tallying every time they sat there.
"Do you regret going to U.A?"
Y/N shook her head.
"No, not at all."
"They don't really give us general studies kids as much attention, but I guess it is a hero school."
"I didn't really go for attention. I went because everyone that graduates always ends up with a good career."
"I didn't go for attention either! Maybe a little, but- I don't know. I look at the other people in our class and wonder if I even belong there."
"Your quirk is just as good as them."
"Thanks- But-"
"No buts! They aren't even trying to become heroes! Don't be so hard on yourself."
"I'm not trying to become a hero either, Y/N."
"I think you can be."
"If one of us had the potential to be a hero, it'd be you. I'm just someone who can make others shut up. You-"
"Warm-up people's hot pockets at lunch?"
Her friend shook her head with a smile.
"Let's come back here next week. By then I'm sure I'll have you convinced that you can be a good hero."

𝑅𝐸𝐽𝐸𝐶𝑇 ┊ 𝐻𝐼𝑇𝑂𝑆𝐻𝐼 𝑆𝐻𝐼𝑁𝑆𝑂Where stories live. Discover now