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"I'll stop by our houses. Wait for me there okay?"
Shinso looked uneasy, his hands not ready to depart from hers.
"Where are you going?"
"I have to talk with the League. I promise I'll meet up with you."
Squeezing his fingers, Y/N backed up, turning to find Dabi from whatever corner of darkness he was watching from.

Y/N followed the dirty floor of the train station eventually slamming in Dabi's chest.
"Finally. Let's go."
Y/N felt a shiver run down her spine, the hairs on her neck standing up.
"Don't let go," she said, quickly taking Dabi's scarred fingers, like a small child, and led him away.
He let himself be pulled along, the two of them walking outside to meet the cold air.
"We're being followed. Two people I think."
Dabi attempted to turn his head around, but she began to burn his skin.
"Ow, okay, okay."

Following Y/N, their hot hands together, Y/N found the empty park, ready to fight whoever was tailing them.
"Go to the right. I'll stay here. Back me up if I need it."
"You won't, I'm guessing?"
She laughed, letting go, "I won't."
Separating, Y/N trailed her fingers on a wooden bench, feeling the presence of bodies behind her.
It wasn't just their body heat, their breathing was heavy and deranged, a person was clearly in distress.

Fighting wouldn't be the best.
"You wanna talk?" She asked, only for the pursuer to squeak from being noticed.
"I guess not," she sighed without hearing any answer.
Y/N turned around, seeing the trembling figure that had tailed her.
"Nice to see you Maiko. I like your watch."
Maiko had her hands behind her back, eyes frantic as she faced Y/N.
"You really are scared of me? I remember you saying you weren't."
Y/N stepped towards her, making Maiko step back, "Guess that makes you a liar too."
"You-! You did this to me! My quirk is broken! I'm nothing anymore!"
She tilted her head, unaware of this.
"Really? Two fingers make that much a difference?"
"Yes! It's all your fault!"

Y/N blew a raspberry, crossing her arms.
"Seems a little unfair. If my memory serves me right, you would've died from blood loss if I did nothing." Maiko stiffened, "but maybe I'm wrong."
"You killed someone! You killed him and Jin!"
She raised her eyebrows, laughing, "surprised you figured that one out. Yeah, I beat his head into the ground until he stopped screaming. We all know he would've loved to do the same to anybody."
Maiko's trembling hands found themselves unable to move, only her feet could retreat.

"Are you here to kill me?" Y/N questioned, "turn me in? Make me feel guilty?"
Maiko shook her head, "You'll-you-you're a horrible person!"
"Maiko, take one moment to actually think. Use that brain of yours. That day, you were dying, no?"
Her teeth gritted.
"You were bleeding-everywhere. Who was going to help you? Tomo's corpse? Jin and his own wound?"
Maiko started to cry, her eyes flooded with red as she recalled her cries.
"Yes, I killed that man. What else did you want me to do to him?"

Her heart thumped in her ears, body completely frozen as Y/N furthered her approach.
"Maiko, you can't kill me. You'll die slowly and I don't want that for you."
Y/N raised her thumb, wiping Maiko's face.
"I wish I could be your friend again. But, I don't think we ever were. Friends don't fear each other and I don't think there was ever a second you didn't anticipate what happened."
Maiko felt Y/N's thumb burning into her cheek, her throat croaking in pain.
"I want to kill you Maiko, don't get me wrong, but I'm not a sadist. You all deserve it. You deserve it so bad."

She drew her thumb away, a deep pink imprint left on Maiko's face.
"You deserve to die after killing me."
Maiko lowered her head, finally breaking from her stone-like state.
"Y/N-Y/N-!" She sobbed, "I'm sorry!"
Her eye twitched upon such a word.
"I'm so fucking sorry!" Her incomplete hands covered her face as she crouched, tears falling beyond her hands, "please don't kill me! Please! I was afraid! Because you're so strong! I couldn't believe you could do something like that!"
Y/N got to Maiko's level.
"You're not crying because you're sorry."
"I am! I am! You saved me and I blamed you because I'm so weak!"
The park got darker as the lights burst out.
"You were such a good person! Why did I have to make you this way! You were so good!"

𝑅𝐸𝐽𝐸𝐶𝑇 ┊ 𝐻𝐼𝑇𝑂𝑆𝐻𝐼 𝑆𝐻𝐼𝑁𝑆𝑂Where stories live. Discover now