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"Yo! Hitoshi!"
Shinso stopped walking as Jin rushed up to him. The cafeteria was too loud for anyone to actually care about Jin's vocal raise.
"Hello, Seiso."
"Look at you! Your little pissbaby bruise is healing!" Jin rubbed his curled fingers against the boy's cheek, making Shinso flinch.
"I'll land one on you soon enough."
"Sure you will! Listen we've known each over for a while right?"
"We've met about three times."
"You wanna join my lunch table?"

Jin had a wide smile, making his mouth scar stretch across his face. Shinso scrunched his own face in confusion and debated the theoretically life-changing decision.
"Sure," he groaned, making Jin chuckled. He twisted around and Shinso followed him without any force needed.
The table only had girls sitting at it, making Shinso immediately regret meeting Jin and agreeing to sit with him.

"Katsumi, Maiko, this is Hitoshi. He's the kid I'm training with."
They gave rather small waves and were silent as Shinso sat down with them.
"Maiko trained with Aizawa too. Don't ask him about it though. He's embarrassed at how many punches she landed on him."
"It wasn't many, Jin," she mumbled, scooting closer to the girl beside her.
"It was a bunch! It's mostly cause of her quirk. Aizawa could only hold her down for so long."
"Jin, stop it. It wasn't many."

Shinso looked down at Maiko's hands to find that her right hand was missing a couple of fingers. She struggled to use it and it was hard for him to tear his eyes away.
"It happened in an accident," she spoke up, making him jump at the realization of his longing stare.
"Oh! Sorry. What happened?"
"Don't worry about it."
Katsumi sighed and kept flicking her eyes between Jin and Shinso, hoping her friend would pick up the message that she didn't want him there.

After many failed attempts to get his attention, Katsumi whispered into her fingers and her complaint was sent directly to Jin's ears.
"Why?" Jin asked loudly, gaining the attention of the table.
Whispering into her fingers again, she felt embarrassed to have the table know she was sending a private conversation.
"Because we shouldn't be talking to first-years. Especially hero-course students."
Jin nodded as her voice blew into his ears. He however pointed to Shinso, "Hitoshi isn't in the hero course yet."
"I don't care," she spoke aloud, "for someone who was so affected by it, you don't care about any of the precautions that have been set in place."

She stood up, slamming her tray onto the table.
"Your little ego just can't handle the fact that you played a big role. You got let off the hook and you're pushing your damn luck."
She walked away, leaving Maiko to put Katsumi's stuff onto her own tray.
"She's right, Jin. Look at us. Look at yourself. You're in no place to be breaking the rule like this."
"I train with him. How is it any different, Mai?"
"It just is! Aizawa knows what he's doing. You don't. Hitoshi is not your friend. Stop trying to act like he is."
Maiko left the table to find her friend, leaving Jin awkwardly alone with Shinso.

"Sorry, buddy. Second-year's are a little sensitive. You'll have to excuse them," Jin apologized, leaning back into his seat.
"Sensitive? Why? Why can't they talk to me?"
"Not my place at all. I'd get detention until I graduate if I muttered a word of it to you."
Shinso felt incredibly confused. Nothing was making sense. What had just occurred wasn't normal, he knew that.
There wasn't a rule about first and second years talking to each other. That's never been announced to anyone. Why was his presence suddenly frowned upon?

Getting up from his seat, Shinso nodded to Jin and went to go sit somewhere else.
He felt dizzy with this new information but assumed asking anyone else wouldn't get any better results than what he had just gotten.

"You told him?!"
"Of course I told him!"
Jin ran his hands through his hair, spinning around as he tried to go through what he had just been told.
"What happens now?"
Tomo shakily shrugged, unsure of what to say.
"He was upset, obviously," she added, trying to sound as genuine as possible.
"Did you tell him anything else?" Jin asked, making Y/N eager to hear the answer.

"Maybe," Tomo winced.
"Maybe?! Kaikaku Tomo! What did you tell him?!"
Jin held onto her shoulders, shaking her as he thought about every bad thing he had ever done.
"I told him you broke the door and I told him you're the one who dared Jinji to jump off the roof. I also told him that you were the one who blew up the wall in the support department room because you were messing around with a gadget I was working on."
"You told him my death sentence! What's wrong with you!?"
Y/N pulled Jin away from Tomo's shaking body. She slapped at his chest, getting his rapid eyes to focus on her.

"Calm down. It'll be okay."
"Okay?! Tomo's the biggest snitch there is! You ratted me out!" He tried to go after Tomo, making her step back.
Y/N gripped roughly onto his arm, using the light of the streetlight to warm her hand up.
"Jin! Stop it! Tomo isn't a good liar. Aizawa probably would've questioned her further if she hadn't told the truth."
"He asked about the door and she told him way more than what she needed to! She's a bitch and I'm gonna fucking kill her!"
Warming up her hand as quickly as she could, Y/N tried to hold Jin back as he started to walk towards Tomo.

"I wonder if I put a bunch of cuts in your arms if you'll be able to repair them faster than the blood loss you'll endure!"
"Jin! Stop it!"
Y/N's hand was steaming as her palm burned into his sleeve, going down onto his skin.
"I worked too hard for you to exaggerate the few stupid things I do! You just like to cause trouble!"
"Jin! Let it go! Tomo didn't do anything wrong!"
Her burning hand reached his skin and the sizzle sounded around them.

He pulled back, yelling at the sharp sensation of the sting bubbled atop his arm.
"What the fuck, Y/N?!"
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Are you okay?"
She fell to the ground where he had backed down to and hovered her hands around him, her palm steaming off its heat.
"I'll go get help!" Tomo exclaimed.
"No, stay right there, Kaikaku," Jin grumbled, his arm shaking from the pain as he rested it atop his leg.
"Don't fucking get anybody. Y/N will get in trouble for it. You've already done enough."
He whispered curses under his breath as the two girls sat around him, watching as his skin turned colors.

"I'm not apologizing to you," Jin mumbled to Tomo, "and I don't want an apology from you, Y/N."
"Are you sure?" Y/N asked, looking at the damage she had done to his arm.
"Your apology would be meaningless. I don't believe in them. What's done is done."
Y/N nodded, remembering the exhaustion in his voice.
"Right," she sighed, "what's done is done."

Y/N walked along the fence, her hands grazing over the wood, feeling the smooth and bumpy edges.
The flashlight in her other hand swung back and forth as she walked in the cold grass. Her footing was a little off, as the cold of the night was beginning to make her feel unsteady. She kept her goal in mind as she knew it would all be worth it by the end of the night.

Stopping at the corner, she hopped the fence, landing roughly on the other side, her leg aching as the ground impacted her fall.
She stood up, taking in a deep breath as she saw her goal sitting there in the yard.
Y/N smiled as she walked towards it and flicked on her flashlight, lifting it up to get a good look.
It was a big tree, with tiny flowers blossoming on the branches. A few had fallen onto the ground, but the tree still held many.
It was undoubtedly beautiful and would be an even better sight once all the blossoms were fully bloomed.

Y/N bent down to the bottom of the tree and ran her hand up the bark of the trunk.
She took in a deep breath before putting her hand atop the flashlight's lightbulb, taking in its warmth.
Pulling away her hand, she waited as her palm slowly started to hold a flame, small and shining low, she watched it flick back and forth in her grasp.

Y/N smiled as she lifted up the flame to a low hanging branch and watched intensely as the fire of her palm transferred onto the leaves. The flower on it immediately charred at the edges and curled up as it began to burn from the flame traveling its path up the branch and into the rest of the tree.
She back away until she hit the fence and kept her gaze on the fire that was spreading along each branch of the tree. The smell of burning bark ran trough the air.

"He was right, Tomo," Y/N whispered to herself, "what's done is done."

𝑅𝐸𝐽𝐸𝐶𝑇 ┊ 𝐻𝐼𝑇𝑂𝑆𝐻𝐼 𝑆𝐻𝐼𝑁𝑆𝑂Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon