"Stiles, NO. I swear to god--" He hung up. Scott and I looked to each other, both of us had mirrored expressions of worry. "Well, go get Isaac. We need to find my brother, Scott." He nodded while I went to grab my shoes. 

"ISAAC! Isaac, get up! I need your help!" 

Scott called Stiles again after Isaac and I were both dressed. We all stood in the kitchen with Scott's phone between us on speaker. "Hey, Stiles--" "Did you call him? Did you call my dad?" He sounded worried. 

About dad knowing? Why would that worry him? "No, just Isaac. We're coming to find you. Can you figure out where you are? Try to find something and tell us where to look." I've resorted to biting my finger nails, the nerves too much for me to handle. 

"It's a basement... I think-I think I'm in some kind of basement..." I sighed slightly, "like a cellar? Are you in a house?" Stiles sighed, "no, it looks bigger-- like, industrial. I think there's a furnace. But it's cold. It's freezing down here." 

Scott, Isaac, and I all looked to each other. Each one of us trying to put together where Stiles might be. An industrial basement? With a furnace? That could be anywhere, "I gotta turn the- I gotta turn the phone off, Scott. It's going to die." 

I shook my head, "Wait, wait, Stiles! You have to, you have to tell us what else there is! What do you see?" I was panicking again. Why did he have to keep hanging up? "The phone's dying. I can't talk. I have to go. Please..." He was whispering. 

"Stiles...." Scott began, "why are you whispering?" We all waited for his answer. "Because, I think there's someone in here with me...." 

I shook my head, stepping away from the phone. Scott tried to put his hand on my shoulder but I shrugged him off, throwing his hand away from me. "NO! This can't, this isn't happening... Why does this keep happening? First dad is missing and now... now Stiles... No, I can't, where is he?" 

Scott pulled me into his chest, holding me while I cried. He held me tightly, making me feel so safe and protected. "Don't worry, Tori. We'll find him. I promise you, I won't stop until I find him." 

I pulled away slightly, nodding my head. "Okay, okay... let's find him." 

We decided to go to my house first, to look for clues as to where he was and for the boys to try and catch his scent. I tried having a vision but, of course my ability wouldn't work the one time we really needed it. I think it's because I'm too emotional and stressed out. 

Lydia and Aiden were already in Stiles' room when we got there. Red strings were everywhere, strung throughout his room like a puzzle we had to try and figure out. "Did Stiles call you guys too?" I asked, sending Lydia a sad smile. 

"I heard it." Lydia explained and I nodded, understanding. The boys, however were frowning in confusion. "Don't ask-- it gets more confusing when you ask," Aiden sighed. Isaac nodded, "Okay..." 

"Not as confusing as this..." Lydia motioned to the red string. I wet my lips, "red is for unsolved cases... he probably thinks he's part of an unsolved case." I ran my finger along one of the red strings, thrumming it slightly before turning back to everyone. 

Isaac nodded, "Or is an unsolved case..." Lydia frowned, "Hold on-- is he still out there? You don't know where he is?" I bit my lip, shaking my head. I looked to Scott, asking him to explain. "He said he was in an industrial basement somewhere." 

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