After that, I just didn't bother anymore; with anything. I was always the better son, but I just couldn't handle being perfect all the time. After getting turned, I completely 180-ed. I was no longer the ideal son, I was a disgusting, gut-wrenching, disappointing, and cold-hearted beast. And, even though it bothered me for a while, I eventaully tuned out the saddened looks from everyone.

I still remember how Alex looked at me for the first time; like I was the scum of the earth and she wanted nothing more than to get rid of me. That look was forever etched in my brain. 

Much like the look she was giving me now. 

Alex stands up with Darren carrying Juliet bridal-style. How ironic. She stomps over to me stopping just centimeters away. Tears weren't needed to show how scared she was for Juliet. And, it was all my fault. 

"Are you happy now? Huh? Are you happy that you destroyed our lives?" Alex shoves me in the chest, not letting me respond. She shakes her head before continuing, "I shouldve let you die two years ago. It could've saved all of us from seeing this day." I looked up at her in shock. Her words pierce through my soul-less body like two sharp stakes and I couldn't take them out. 

I could see from my peripheral vision Darren carrying Juliet away. As Alex turns around to leave, I grab her hand and spin her around. "Would you give me a chance?" My voice wavers, but I don't stop gazing at her like it's the end of the world.

It probably is for me. 

Alex doesn't respond, but instead matches my gaze except without as many emotions. "It was either you or her," I whisper. I know it wouldn't help, but I felt like she needed to know.


"Scott wanted you first, but I-I couldn't do it. Instead, I gave him Juliet," before she could ask why, I answer, "because I loved you too much to do it."


I stood speechless in front of the only guy I ever hated. Searching for any other feeling but anger, I ended up with sorrow. Sorrow for Juliet, or sorrow for Cameron? I didn't know. I just knew Cameron's confession didn't settle nice with me. 

Was this one of his lies?

The sincereity in his eyes was too much to be doubted. But, how I could I love the guy who risked my sister's life? The answer was I couldn't. 

"You chose her over me, Cam," I begin to say. I felt like I owed him an explanation, "That's-that's not something I would ever want you to do!"

Cameron frustratedly runs his hand through his hair. The wind picks up, screwing it up more. Endless stars line up above us casting us some moonlight. 

"Look at it this way; wouldn't Darren have done the same thing for Juliet!?"

"He wouldn't have sacrificed me for his love, no matter how much he loved her! He would've found a way!"

"Well, so did I!" Cameron shouts, finally having enough of me. "Do you really think that I'm that heartless that I'll just hand over Juliet like that? Did you think that I rescued her because I felt guilty in the end!? It was my plan all along!"

"Well, look how well your plan turned out!" I laugh bitterly, "She's hurt Cameron! I-I don't even know if she'll wa-wake... Wak-" Cameron pulls me into a tight, comforting hug. All the suspicious responses my power was giving me went away. All I felt were tearless sobs shaking me uncontrollably. Cameron holds me tightly as if letting me go would turn both of us into ashes.

"Sshh, she's strong, she'll make through," Cameron whispers over and over again in my ear, while I unconciously lean into him more. 

After a few minutes, he tenses and pushes me away. I stumble back from the force. Cameron's suddenly turn bright red indicating fury. 

"Go," he orders.

Confused, I say, "No!" After right now, I have a lot ot figure out with him.

"I said go, Alex! Stop being stubborn!" He yells.

"I'm the royalty here! I get to order-"

"Well, if you're the royalty, then your 'kingdom' needs you. The smart choice would be for you to leave!"

"And, why the hell would I want to do that?"

"Did you really think that Scott would only come with two of his minions? His army is coming after us fast. You need to leave.... Now." 

I shake my head, "What about you!? I can't leave you here."

Cameron smiles sadly, yet with happiness, "Don't worry. I'll meet you... At the house."

Unsure, I question, "Really?"

Cameron doesn't say anything except cups my cheek.

in the end, he nudges me to go forward.

As I reluctantly turn around, he tells me, "Take her to an Elder named James. He can help you with Juliet."

"Thank you."

He nods solemnly before pushing me again to leave.

I couldn't help myself but say, "I'll be waiting for you."

"Don't," And with that, Cam speeds away from me in to the surrounding forest.


I wanted to tell her good-bye, but I knew she wouldn't leave if she found out I wasn't ever returning. If there was a remote chance that I'd survive, I wouldn't be able to face Darren after tonight. Besides, she deserves so much better than me. I guess Alex not returning her feelings towards me was the best way since I'm just going to end up hurting her. 

I know for a fact that I won't be able to survive.

I could already make out at least 50 vicious vampires in the horizon heading towards me. 

I only yearned my good-bye kiss.

{ A/N I updated :) I hope you guys liked it! I started to reade the beginning chapters of this book... We... Were... Horrible! I mean, I criticize others on their mistakes, but I'm like a huge hypocrite! LOAAAHLLL! Anyway, hope you liked it! Comment/vote :P }

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2012 ⏰

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