Chapter 17

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The young Gilmore sat with her mother and sister alongside Michel as Sookie played them the song she wanted playing as she walked down the aisle.

"Sookie, you've gotta be kidding. "


"You cannot walk down the aisle to that."


"It's depressing. " Metztli said as she flipped through a bridal magazine. Bored out of her mind.

"It's Ella. " Sookie defended.

"It's morbid" Lorelai added.

Metztli sighed as her mother and Sookie continued to argue about the song choice.

Metztli looked up at her sister as Rory got up and grabbed the box of alternative songs Sookie had in store. Only to be disappointed considering they were all just as bad.

" I'll tell you what, Sookie. How about Lane and I come up with a few more suggestions for you? Still melodic, but not quite as Girl, Interrupted." Rory said.

Sookie agreed they dropped the music subject.

" Hey, my cousin Carl canceled so I have two empty seats. Anyone else you wanna invite?" Sookie asked the three Gilmore girls.

" I've got Lane, I've got Dean, I'm good. "

" I'm good with Rosalind" Metztli added. She did invite Felicity to go considering how much the girl loves Sookie's food. But Felicity wasn't going to miss her father coming back home since she hadn't seen him in well over four months.

" What about Emily and Richard? " Sookie proposed looking over at Lorelai.

"Emily and Richard who?" Lorelai said as she sat down next to Sookie.

"Your Emily and Richard. "

"Oh, Sookie, you are way too sweet," Lorelai said.

Metztli looked at Sookie confused as she praised her grandmother for helping her choose the color theme of the wedding.

Emily Gilmore is always seen as a delight person to people outside of the family. Metztli can talk about all the hurtful things and comments Emily Gilmore has said to her and yet people would dismiss it because she is a charming person to be around.

And everytime Metztli is near her she wants to stab her eye with a fork because that would still be less painful then being around Emily.

Richard is still someone she dislikes but she can tolerate Richard Gilmore.


The old feeling of wanting to throw herself off a cliff was just too nostalgic for Metztli as she sat beside Rory at Friday night dinner.
Emily Gilmore, like always, greeted Rory lovingly and her mother as usual. When it came to Metztli the grandmother simply sighed in what Metztli thought to be in disappointment and didn't greet her or lead her to the living room.

" In fact, if you put oy and poodle together in the same sentence, you'd have a great new catch phrase, you know? Like, oy with the poodles already. So from now on, when the perfect circumstances arise, we will use our favorite new catch phrase." Lorelai rambled on as she took another sip of her martini.

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