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Her breathing was ragged as she stood bent over, her hands planted firmly on the plush suede of the arm chair. There was no bend in her knees as she stood motionlessly in the six inch black stilettos he fitted her with. Her body was bare, except for the thin fabric of the black lace garter belt that adorned her exposed ass and the thigh high stockings it was tightly clipped to. There was something so very thrilling about this, about the stance he put her in.

Mr. King wasn't even in the room. He just positioned her there and left her. How long had it been? Five minutes? Ten? The muscles in her legs were beginning to burn from the strain. But the heat pooling in her lower regions – an enthralling sensation that was ravaging her – was worth the tedious torture.

Her breathing hitched when she heard his footsteps. Was he coming to finally stake claim on her? Would he finally put her out of her sexual misery? Oh, she hoped so.

"Your ass, Miss Mason – it's absolutely divine," his voice was low and seductive and sent a startling quiver all throughout her lower regions as his hand smoothed down her backside.

She didn't make a peep, he didn't give her permission. She just smirked to herself knowing he couldn't see her.

"Now, Miss Mason. I heard that," he said, his voice scolding, causing her insides to clench. Heard what?

His fingers of his right hand gripped onto the strands of her long blonde hair, pulling her head back in one swift motion, straining her neck as he pressed his pelvis into her backside, his left hand gripping across her front, squeezing her right breast tightly. She could feel his erection against her through the rough fabric of his trousers. That mixed with his dominance was doing her in.

"I heard the crack of your smile," he breathed lowly into her ear in a menacing way that only he could make sound hot.

"Do I amuse you, Miss Mason?"

She was too busy trying to stifle her moan to reply.

"Answer me," he snapped.

"You amuse me so much, Mr. King," she replied, her voice quivering only slightly.

"Are you mocking me, Miss Mason?" He asked in a less threatening tone.

"Never," she choked out.

"Never, what?" He snapped.

"Never, s-sir," she stammered as she tried not to whimper from what he was doing to her, what she wanted him to do to her.

"Good girl," he breathed in her ear, letting her hair loose as his hands drew back, sliding slowly down her bare back.

"Like I said, Miss Mason, your ass looks absolutely divine. I wouldn't mind fucking you in it," he said, his voice low.

Her breathing shuddered with his words. He wanted to fuck her ass? She didn't know if she was ready for something like that.

"Does that burden you, Miss Mason?" He questioned, his voice sounding amused.

"Burden? No, sir."

"Then what?"

"I've... just... I've never..." She bit at her bottom lip, feeling slightly uncomfortable at just the thought.

"You've never been fucked in your ass?"

"Never, sir."

"Well..." he breathed, and she could hear his own smile and it alarmed her because she had no idea what he was going to do.

When she felt his finger swipe across her anus, she shuddered in shock.

"Relax, guileless girl. I would never do anything you weren't ready for. You know the safe words," he breathed lowly as his finger pressed lightly against the sensitive region, "repeat them for me."

Mr. King [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now