Chapter 3

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Throughout the night, I kept on drinking and remembering. My phone rang, bringing me back from my walk down memory lane. My girlfriend Morgan was calling. I was tempted to let it go to voicemail, but I knew she would just keep calling.

"Hey babe. I'm back in town. If you're not doing anything, how about I come over. She said.

I sighed. The last thing I wanted was for Morgan to see me in this state.

"Wade died last night." I blurted out.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I'll be there in a few minutes okay."

"No. Don't. Please. I just really want to be alone right now."

"Are you sure Ry?" She asked, and I felt like an absolute dick. Morgan was beautiful and sweet and she loved me, but all I wanted right now was to sit and think about Hayleigh. I wished like hell that I was in love with Morgan, but I wasn't. It was Hayleigh. It has always been Hayleigh. Besides, if Morgan came over, she would just try to get me to stop drinking, tell me that I had enough, and try to put me to bed to sleep it off. I just wanted to drink my sorrows away and stay lost in my memories.

Then another memory appeared, a very pivotal moment that in retrospect, set the wheels in motion for Hayleigh and Wade to become a couple. A moment that if I could go back in time and change it, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Hayleigh's prom date ended up canceling on her. She was devastated, having already bought a dress, and prom was less than a week away.

"Ry, would you take me to prom?" She asked, and I could see the tears brimming in her big brown eyes. It broke my heart to have to say no, but I had to. I had a race that night. I had sponsors lined up, and I couldn't let them down.

"I wish I could Hayles, but I can't miss this race." I gently explained.

"She nodded understandingly. "I figured as much, but I had to give it a shot. It's not that big of a deal."

Of course it was a big deal to her, I thought to myself, but then I had an idea.

"You should go with Wade. He and Tiffany broke up." I suggested.

"They did? Really? Thanks Ry. I'm going to ask him." She kissed my on the cheek and took off, presumably to look for Wade. I touched the side of my cheek, still feeling the warmth from her lips. Truth be told, I would much rather see her go with Wade than anyone else. I trusted him, and I knew he wouldn't take advantage of her like that damn college guy would have.

After prom, everything changed. I don't know what happened prom night, I really didn't want to know, but they obviously had a good time because they began dating. Throughout the rest of high school and beyond. And me? I was the third wheel. I didn't have time for a girlfriend because my racing career was taking off.

I won the championship in my late model division and was signed to run some ARCA and K&N races, as well as a handful of Xfinity races.

Wade accepted a full football scholarship to LSU. Hayleigh was heartbroken that he would be so far away, but understood that they had made him the best offer. She was staying local. She had been bitten by the racing bug, and wanted to pursue a job with NASCAR. What better place to do it than in the Charlotte area, so she enrolled at UNC Charlotte to study public relations. She liked to joke that she would become my PR when I made it to the cup level. I loved that she had so much confidence in me.

By that summer, I had signed a contract with Team Penske to run some Xfinity races, as well as some truck races for Penske driver Brad Keselowski. Hayleigh and Wade came to all of my races until Wade had to return to school to begin football workouts.

I was able to help Hayleigh score an internship at Penske, and that had us spending even more time together. I tried to fight it, I really did, but the truth was, I was crazy about my best friend's girlfriend.

Football kept Wade very busy, and with her own classes, as well as her internship, Hayleigh and Wade were unable to find time to visit each other.

Hayleigh was with me a few months later when I won my first truck race at Iowa Speedway. I became the youngest driver in the series history. Although we were underage, we had a victory celebration and had both gotten drunk. Very drunk. We woke up the next morning in bed together.

Hayleigh was mortified. I felt like an absolute dick. We both chalked it up to the alcohol and vowed to put it behind us and never let Wade find out.

Hayleigh did put it behind her, but I couldn't. I felt like such a dick. I knew I had to be the world's worst friend.

The following year, I was running the full truck season for Brad. I won my first race and rookie of the year. I also picked up my first Xfinity win.

Things were moving at a fast pace. Both in my career and personal life.  Hayleigh and I were together all of the time, and neither one of us could deny the sexual chemistry between us. It was no secret that she and Wade were drifting apart. Long distance relationships were tough, and at only nineteen, they began to question their commitment to each other. In the end, they decided taking a break was in both of their best interests and agreed to see other people.

I hated myself for it, but I was elated by the news. I knew I was putting my relationship with Wade in real jeopardy, but I had to make my move.

That move ended up coming during my second full year in the truck series. I picked up my first win of the season, and of course Hayleigh and I had to celebrate. Only this time, we were completely sober.

I had gone over and over in my head, and just when I decided to let it go, Hayleigh spoke.

"Ry, do you ever think about that night when we were sixteen? Our first time?"

Every minute of every damn day. I thought to myself.

"Yes. I nodded.

"So do I." She confessed.

I needed to know more. "What exactly to you think about Hayles?"

"How sweet you were to me. As awkward as it was for both of us, you made sure that I was okay. I know it wasn't supposed to mean anything, but it did."

"It meant something to me too." I admitted.

"I know you're my best friend, but would it sound totally crazy if I told you I'm extremely attracted to you?" She said.

"What about Wade?" I asked.

She sighed. "Wade and I are going in different directions, and I don't know if we'll ever be on the same path again. That's why we took a break. After three years together we both need to explore options, see what's out there. See if we are even right for each other. I know that there is something between us. I can't ignore it. I know he's your best friend, and I should not be telling you this, but....."

I silenced her by crashing my lips onto hers. I wasn't stupid. I knew that as soon as Wade came home, they would get back together. I knew that, but I didn't care. As I licked hungrily into her mouth I knew I had never tasted anything sweeter.

I would deal with the consequences later.

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