I couldn't tell you one bad thing about him considering everything about him is perfect. I wish I could think of something that's bad but absolutely nothing comes to mind.

    "Was it good sex minus the pain?"

    "Incredible sex," I say honestly.

    Once I got over the pain, it was like nothing I've ever experienced before. It's clear that Luke knows damn well what he's doing and as a result, I felt pleasure like I never have in my life.

    "It's what you deserve," Aspen says to me.

    I laugh at this, realizing she's right after all the hell I went through with Jake. Maybe it's about time I have a perfect guy who will treat me right in every way possible. I'm finally happier than I've ever been in my life and I'm so thankful for that.

    "Except for the fact that all the fangirls of Twitter hate me," I say, bringing up the drama that I had filled her in on earlier.

    I've mostly been avoiding it as it's been so upsetting to me to see all these people make such awful assumptions about me. Especially because they couldn't be further from the truth. I care about Luke more than anything in the world and for anyone to assume that I could be using him is so disgusting to me.

    "They're just jealous you've got yourself a sexy man," Aspen assures me quickly.

    I wish I could see it that way but the truth is, this has really been bothering me. The thought of Luke being possibly convinced by these people that I don't care about him is terrifying to me. All I want is for Luke to be so sure of my love for him and never feel as if I'm not all in it.

    "I just want to shut these rumors down," I say, shaking my head as I feel sick at the thought. "The last thing I need is for them to get to Luke's head."

    Aspen lets out a scoff as if not being convinced by this possibly being an idea at all. I understand her shock that I could be thinking like this considering I think Luke and I have both made it clear that we care about each other too much to let anything on the outside get in the way. However, the fear is still there as these girls of Twitter are relentless and clearly adamant in having Luke's back.

    "Luke is too whipped to believe them, you know that," Aspen says. "And plus-"

    She's cut off as my phone starts ringing which immediately grabs my attention as I look towards it. I'm shocked to see Zac's name lighting up the screen which surprises me considering I have no idea what he could possibly be calling about.

    "And you know that boy gets such a boner for you so-"

    "Hey, Zac's calling me right now. Can I text you?" I ask, wanting to answer this call as I have no idea what it's regarding and I'm slightly alarmed.


    "No, Galifianakis," I say sarcastically. "Yes, Efron."

    "Oo, tea, what does he want?"

    "I don't know, but I've got to go," I say, preparing to accept it. "I'll text you later."

    "Okay, have fun tonight and be safe!"

    I assure her that I will before accepting Zac's call, in fear that he'll give up and end the call before I have the chance to see what it is that he's calling about.


    "Haven Morano," Zac says dramatically. "Is there a reason you didn't tell me that you don't have a date for tonight?"

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