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Kenna opened the doors and immediately was met by half a dozen concerned faces. She frowned. "What's going on?"

Dr. Byrne looked to Minister Clarke as Dr. Richards put his arm around her. Immediately Clarke was at the Captain's side, taking her by the elbow. "Come on, this way."

"Clarke, what's going on? What happened?" She pressed, growing irritated by the second.

Leading her into an empty office Clarke gestured to the chair "Have a seat."


Pouring a glass of water he set it on the desk. She ignored it. Icy talons clutched at her heart even as it pounded in odd little jerks. He was prepping her for bad news. Very, very, bad news.

The minister's shoulders sagged. Why did this have to fall to him? She was still standing. For now. He let out a long breath and his voice was heavy with emotion. "Dr. Welles died last night."

"What?" The words were out before she could stop them.

"He never showed up at the Hope, no wireless calls got a reply so we went to check. He...his heart gave out. In his sleep. I'm so sorry. He was a great man."

All the air went out of her lungs. Kenna sat down looking for all the world like she'd been physically struck. Don't be so surprised, she chastised herself. This was inevitable, he was- no, she couldn't shield her heart with cold logic. He was her friend, her love and he was gone. Forever. The natural order nor his acceptance with it was no comfort at all. The words didn't sink in. She looked back up at Clarke.

"If you need some time..." Clarke said and his words were muffled to her ears.

"I should have..." The words sounded like they were being spoken by someone else.

Clarke shifted uneasily. Nothing he could say would help now. "Don't worry about a thing. The Hope team will help make arrangements." A muffled voice came from the door "Please excuse me a moment."

The Captain didn't realize Clarke had left. The water glass was there and she drank half of it. Then it fairly cracked in her trembling grasp. Her breaths came slowly, deep breaths, remain calm. The last breath caught in her throat and burned.

She screamed, a raw cry of anguish and sorrow, hurled the glass viciously across the room where it shattered with a crash.


The next few days were like a nightmare. People around her were like ghosts, moving in a world beside her.

"We should have a funeral." Said one.

Another replied "No, he wouldn't want us to waste time on that. We continue our work in his name."

"We have to do something!" Interjected a third.

They all looked to the Captain. "You knew him best, what would Dr. Welles want?"

"I..." Kenna glanced at all the expectant faces. Idly she picked at her bandaged hand. The glass of water broke in her grasp before she threw it and sliced two of her fingers. Poor Minister Clarke freaked out when he saw the blood. "Everyone grieves in their own way. Just...take a moment to remember him but don't forget why we're here."

It warmed Kenna's heart to hear how beloved Phineas was among his colleagues. More than tears she heard ripples of laughter as they relayed amusing anecdotes and memories. Likewise they comforted one another hugging each other amid torrents of tears, wailing that Dr. Welles had been like a father to them, how they loved that crazy old man. Everyone was so kind. These men and women of science from all corners of the Earth brought together to save Halcyon taking their time to speak a word or two of condolence to her was a comfort. They treated her with as much deference as one would a widowed spouse.

"I'm leaving." She told Minister Clarke.

He nodded his understanding. "Wait, there's something I've been meaning to give you."
Handing her a data card she took it.

"What is this?" Staring at the card in her hand she looked up at him.

Clarke shook his head slightly. "I don't know. Dr. Welles' will made it abundantly clear it's for your eyes only."

"Thank you, Aloysius."

Gesturing toward the door he escorted her out. "If you need anything, anything at all."

Nodding, she left.


"ADA can you play this?"

The video link flickered to life and The Captain's heart leapt as a super close up of Phineas' face greeted her. He stepped back in full view clearing his throat.

I've had to re record this twice but here's take three.

If you're watching this that means I've- as the Scienticians say- returned to the universe.
I took some time to set my affairs in order so with the legal mumbo jumbo out of the way I can move on to more important matters.

I worked knowing that if the Board didn't catch up to me, time would. I'm glad that I was able to survive long enough to witness the seeds of my labor planted but knew full well the chance of seeing them bear fruit were slim.
My entire career has been dedicated to the preservation of life. But I never understood life, never grasped the meaning of it.
Even now I'm looking back on things best left buried and hope that somehow anything I've done was worth it.

With old age comes regret and things become more...precious. The problem with wrapping yourself in secrets and loneliness is it becomes far too comfortable a prison.

Then I met you.

In you I gained an ally and so much more. A partner, a sounding board - my true companion and friend. Dearest to my heart. My beloved.

I often ponder how strange our relationship is and what a turn it took. More often I wonder what you see in me. I could spend the entire data allotment of this message rhapsodizing about you but I have done my best to show you what you mean to me before I am gone.

If anything, if I could be granted one selfish wish it would be that we had more time together. Truthfully these last few years -with all their ups and downs- have been without a doubt the best years of my life.

I wish we could have met sooner so I could love you longer.

Thank you.

Thank you for trusting me, supporting me, and loving me.


The image of Phineas smiled warmly then the screen went black.

It was hard to see him though, through the tears.

"I love you, Phineas."

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