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The Captain was always eager to help. Conducting a series of simple tests, Phineas ended up with pages and pages of notes about tactical time dilation which really only led to more questions. Usually they were timed trials- moving objects from one place to another or memorizing details in a scene that moved too fast for the naked eye. Bubbles unintentionally got involved when a small wooden block looked tasty and the Captain fished it out of the cystypig's mouth before Bubbles even knew what was happening.

The combat trials were better. Plus it gave them the opportunity to set foot planetside. Kenna insisted Phineas get some natural air in his lungs though he was just fine with recycled air thank you very much. After much cajoling, he decided to suffer her company and breathe the ocean stink of Terra 2 at least for a little while.

She had improved greatly, and was even becoming boastful of her little anomaly.
"Crotch, cranium, center mass." She pointed at the obliterated target dummies. "Hit 'em right where I want. I have plenty of time to aim and they're dead before they hit the ground. This is boring, come on, let's go hunt live targets. Primals, maybe."

Phineas didn't even look up. "Absolutely not."

"Fine. Starting to get a headache anyway." Setting her rifle against a boulder the Captain twisted open a bottle of fizzy tea which promptly fizzed all over her hand. "Damn it."

Phineas' brow furrowed in concern."You have a headache? Does this happen often?"

"If I use the TTD too much, yeah." Sucking the tea off her digits she looked up at him as he drew closer.

"Tilt your head back just so." he indicated with his fingertips to her brow. She complied.

Her eyes dilated rapidly, the black of her pupils almost blotting out the irises. Then back to normal she stepped away from him with a little cry of pain. "The natural light makes it worse."

"That makes sense. Taking in so much information -and light- at once. It's bound to take a toll. We're done for today."

Shielding her eyes for a moment she moved her fingers to peek at him. "Oh. They're gray."

"What's that?" Still punching notes into his datapad he began the trek back to the ship but didn't hear her crunching steps. Stopping, Phineas looked back at the Captain.

"Your eyes. I thought they were blue but they're gray. They're pretty!"

Phineas turned away quickly. Totally just to watch his step. "Oh uh. W-well thank you."

That compliment was enough to throw Phineas off for a few more hours. No woman with working lamps found him anything but repellent. Still, it pleased him and he paid her back with profound thanks for aiding in his research. The migraine worsened though and the Captain was miserable. Sadly only time would lessen the pain- time, a dark room and an ice pack to the head.

Phineas debated on getting some shut eye himself or compiling his notes. The latter, since it was fresh on his mind. He was half an hour in when sleep crept upon him.


The Captain was talking but her words and meaning were unclear, like trying to speak underwater. Or she was far away and she beckoned him closer, hand offered in friendship under a bright sky.

He felt how she must have felt moving at lightning speed while the world slowed down around you but then his hand found hers and from it crept tendrils of ice, twisting lacy patterns of frost up her arm spreading across her entire body. Her gaze held him in thrall, an expression of abject terror. He let go but it was too late.

Tiny fissures appeared on her skin. Throwing his arms around her he tried to tell her he was sorry but no words came out.

Please, no.

She shattered in his grasp- a porcelain sculpture dashed across the floor.

No. NO!


Phineas came to blinking away tears with an awful crick in his neck and a nasty wet sensation on his hand. Turning he saw Bubbles slobbering all over it. "Bubbles! You know you're not allowed in here. Shoo! Go on! I'll feed you in a moment." Groaning, he made a face at his hand and rubbed his neck, starting to the sink like a zombie in a horror serial.

Washing his hands thoroughly Phineas stared at the mirror. He'd gotten too attached to this one. How could he not, she was the walking talking proof of his success. But a person too, a person to whom he'd given a new life and a new purpose. He still had walls up a mile thick when she hoped to have his friendship.

"Dr. Welles?" The Captain's voice drifted to him.

Hastily he turned on the tap and splashed his face with cold water.

"Dr. Welles." She called again.

Pressing the intercom button he said "Back here." He thought he sounded casual enough but there was a weakness in his delivery he could not hide.

As usual she missed nothing. "Are you okay?"

Blotting his face dry with a towel Phineas said "I'm fine. Just a little tired is all. Are you feeling better?"

There was an aetherwave cartridge in her hand. "Yeah, mostly. Sleep okay? Can't say I did. Wanna watch with me?" Then her eyes pointed to her left. She gasped "Bubbles! Bad!"

While they were chatting the cystypig decided to serve herself, scattering tobaccorn all over. Phineas groaned. This was exactly how he wanted to start his day. But the Captain set down her serial and went to clean up the mess. "I've got it."

"Bubbles, bad girl!" Phineas shooed the cystypig out even as she grunted in protest. Well, he reasoned. Why not.

Tea made and served, Phineas and the Captain settled in to watch.


"Well that certainly took a turn." Phineas said as the credits rolled. Both of them cried out in shock and protest as the lord's son caught the queen copulating with her own brother.

"I'm simultaneously disgusted and enthralled." The Captain said. "Wanna watch episode 2?"

"Of course, now I'm invested."

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