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"Watch your step, watch your step!" Phineas cautioned as his Kenna ran lightly toward him, laughing as she threw her arms around his neck.

"Missed you!" She exclaimed, then opened an attack of kisses all over his face ending with his lips in that way that always made Phineas a bit woozy.

Though humming his appreciation he gave her a gentle squeeze once they parted. "Easy now. You must always handle me as though I am made of meringue."

She giggled, grinning at him. He pulled her closer, Law, if she could just fly into his arms and never leave. Phineas squinted, holding her at arms length. "What have you done, now?"

Poking her tongue out one corner of her mouth Kenna dug in her bag. "I got Season 2! I'm letting Vati and Jun borrow Season 1."

Phineas took the cartridge from her, turning it in his hands. "Did you give them the usual warning?"

Still digging in her bag she said "Of course."

Bubbles snorted happily, shoving her head under Kenna's hand forcing her way between the pair. "I didn't forget about you, Bubbles! Got something for you. Okay Bubbles." Producing a mock apple she held it out of the excited cystypig's reach. "Okay Bubbles," she repeated. Bubbles fairly worked herself into a frenzy at the smell of her favorite snack. "Bubbles, sit! Sit, Bubbles! "

Phineas watched, a little nonplussed. "You've been training her?"

"Well it's been slow. Come on Bubbles, sit! You sit like a good piggy then you get snackies."

Bubbles sat at last, mouth glistening with saliva. Perching the mock apple on the cystypig's snout and sure it was balanced Kenna said "Okay hold still...good girl."

"Impressive." Phineas observed dryly. Poor Bubbles, if she were capable she'd probably be in tears by now but she obeyed. "Oh let her have it, this is degrading."

Kenna's eyes lit up. "And GO!" she exclaimed and the apple was reduced to sauce in a matter of seconds, stem, seeds and all.

Phineas and Kenna relaxed as the evening wore on. As usual she was a motormouth. Nyoka says hey, we should have a drink sometime. Hiram sends his regards which led to a plethora of House Lannister references. Vicar Max is doing alright, and if you ever need some muscle Felix is your man, his words.

She sat with her legs across his lap, his hands on her knees as they watched their show. Then later when they were too tired to focus anymore lay down on the bed, upgraded to queen size never truly sleeping they spent hours talking in the dark, holding hands or each other. When she finally dozed off in his arms Phineas kissed her forehead and wondered if life could get any more perfect.

Nights used to be unbearable. Of course being a man of science Phineas didn't believe in ghosts but sometimes he was convinced. The workings of a sleep deprived mind in isolation but when his Kenna was there he had something better to focus on. The future was uncertain and Phineas tried hard to not think of the inevitable- that his time would run out.
He'd already taken legal action, naming her his sole beneficiary. Kenna made an off handed comment about how a marriage might quiet wagging tongues but more than likely start them, but screw what people thought, and besides she was his- they didn't need a contract for that. It wasn't like anyone who mattered cared. It sounded so possessive, too. Not like she was his property or something like that. She was with him because she wanted to be. Besides marriage was just a construct of an establishment they both despised.

"I still can't figure out why you're with me." He muttered to himself.

Without opening her eyes she said "Kindness. Goodness. Your sense of humor. You're adorable, handsome and make science look badass."

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