Chapter 5

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I don’t remember ever falling asleep, but at some point I did, even if it wasn’t for long. I woke up that morning with the sun filtering into the room through a crack in the curtains. Harry was still sleeping in his bed, camera clutched to his body because I pressed the wrong button last night and made it go wonky. He wasn’t too happy with me. 

I rolled over on bed and reached for my phone, all to find it missing from the place I had set it last night. I sat up, looking around the room and not seeing it anywhere. Maybe it fell? I wondered, leaning over the edge of my bed and searching the floor. My bag was there, my phone charger was there, but my phone was missing. I got up from bed and realized that the temperature in the room was freezing. I quickly grabbed a long shirt from my bag and pulled it over my head. 

“Damn phone, where are you. I just want to check the time.” After all, we didn’t have an cell reception where we were. That was the whole reason why we stayed at this hotel in the first place. After searching everywhere and waking Harry up, I still couldn’t find my phone. It was just gone. I searching under everything and still turned up with nothing. “Harry, can I see your phone?” I asked, reaching my hand out.

 Harry stood up and walked over to his pants that were hung over the back of the one chair in the room. He dug through one pocket and then into the next. “That’s weird.” He said, pushing his curls from his face. “I can’t find it.” He stood up with his hands on his hips and pursed his lips. “I could have sworn that I had it in my pocket.”

“This can’t be a coincidence. Why are both of our phones missing?” I was beginning to become frustrated, what with the lack of sleep and dealing with missing phones, and Zayn kissing me- Damn, I wish I forgot about that. I had to deal with him too. “Did you check your bag?” I asked and Harry nodded. Our phones were definitely missing. 

Before I could tear the place apart a knock came to our door. It was light at first, but gradually got heavier. I walked out and peeked out of the small peep hole. Liam and Zayn stood there, dark circles under their eyes and looking frustrated. I opened the door and Harry came up behind me, watching over my shoulder since he was much taller than me. I didn’t even get a hello or a good morning from the two, they just walked straight into Harry and I’s room, stopping in the middle of the room. 

“Phones?” Liam asked. I gasped. “Right, okay. Ours are gone too. I went down to the front desk and that guy wasn’t there.” He looked around the room. “It actually looked like there was an inch of dust on the desk. So either they have some serious termite issues just above the front desk, or that wasn’t the same desk we walked up to last night.”

I looked over at Harry and frowned. “Maybe this is some sort of joke?” I queried. My gaze caught the picture on the wall just above Harry and I’s beds. It looked a little different from the night before. The girl in the painting was holding a basket with some stuff in it. I hadn’t noticed it before. I played it off as a change in lighting and tired eyes.  “Wait, where’s Louis?” I asked, only counting four of us. Louis was missing. 

“He’s curled up in bed. He doesn’t feel good or something.” Liam shrugged “We looked for his phone too, but it’s no where in the room. 

“It’s like they just vanished.” Zayn finally spoke. I gave him a quick glance and saw that he was staring at me again. “I say we pack up and get out of here.” He offered, looking over to my bag. “We already paid, yeah?”

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