Chapter 2: New Home! Duelling Kingdom?

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Once all was said and done, Harry had finally unpacked and set everything up.

There wasn't much, not much at all since he didn't really own anything valuble other than his Dad's Invisibility Cloak, his Mum's Necklace, Hedwig except she was his friend, not property and finally the scrap book of the pictures of his parents.

"Well, since I got some extra time, I might as well check out my mum's necklace some more." Harry said as he sat in the couch, his golden necklace in hand.

'I know it can change colour, but what else can it do?' Harry thought as he looked at the necklace.

If he knew his mother from the things everyone else said, then this could probably do more than just change colours.

He changed it's colour to blue and looked at it closer.

"Something feels, I dunno, off." Harry said to himself as he inspected it.

The eye just felt off for some reason, it was like he could press it or something.

Hovering his thumb over the eye, he could feel a warm sensation over his thumb as it hovered over the eye, it felt slightly ominous if you asked me(A/n: Well, actually don't since I'm the guy telling the story, ro writing it to be specific).

"Well, might as well try it.' Harry thought as he applied pressure.

Before he could reconsider, the inner circle seemed to indent and lower like a pressure plate as the hieroglyphs edged into the blue necklace glowed a bright sea blue as the light encompassed his whole body.

He was lucky the curtains were closed as, if they were open, a massive beam of light would have shot forth and even with them closed, one could see the pure blue/white light pouring from the apartment window.

Harry could feel a warm sensation surround him as he felt his body grow stronger and taller as he felt his body become adorned with a metallic/rock-like substance.

'What the hell is going on?" Harry thought as he closed his eyes to stop himself from being blinded. He could feel a sudden weight on his head, shoulders, arms and legs and the brightness he could see through from his closed eye-lids began to fade as the warm sensation he felt slowly dissipated until all he felt was the warmth of the room itself.

As he opened his eyes, his view seemed to have been alleviated as the gap between him and the roof didn't seem so big anymore.

"What the heck just happened?" Harry asked himself. If he didn't know any better he'd say his voice sounded a bit deeper, but he passed it off.

What he couldn't pass of however was what he was wearing.

"Why am I wearing armour?" Harry wondered.

As he looked down, he could see his entire body adorned in a strange blue armour, from his feet all the way to his head if the extra weight had anything to say about it.

'I need to see my mirror.' Harry thought to himself. Luckily he hadn't put his full body mirror into the bathroom yet, so as he stood up, he, he looked to his right and saw his full body.

It wasn't something he was expecting, that's for sure.

His overall body grew to about 6 ft 5 inches in height. On his back lay simple, triangular wings that are about the same height as Harry himself and adorned on his shoulders were large shoulder pauldrons that contained two large spikes protruding vertically. His forearm armour had spikes protruding at the elbows, and his groin and knees were armoured with diamond-shaped plates, while a shield-shaped plate covers the posterior.

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