Owen (top)

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We were all teeth and nails as we grappled each other, lust a burning path in my eyes. Everytime I felt one of his nails tearing my skin was another pound of my heart as we crashed together.

Our tongues swirled together relentlessly, the pocket of his mouth warm and wet, the faint taste of mint left over. He pulled away, only for me to grapple onto his lip and growl for more.

He grinned fiendishly before crushing our lips together and nibbling on the tongue that instantly darted into his mouth. My hands skimmed over hard muscle, appreciating the flicker of movements as his own hands led burning paths across my skin.

I couldn't get enough of his body, of his touch and scent and taste. Everything felt right, and he just tasted so fucking good. My mouth broke from his and latched onto his neck where I bit and nipped at his skin. Every bite had his nails digging into my back, dragging deep groans from both of our mouths. The pain felt good. Very good.

One of his hands laced into my dark hair, pulling at the scalp so my head detached from his delicious neck. I licked my lips as he surveyed me, his pants sending fire across my senses. Everything he did made me lustful, it was what had brought us to this moment.

We had found ourselves in a freshly decorated room, the furniture all sharp edges and modern design. Not that it would matter. I could only imagine Owen taking me against the dresser until the handles rattled, devouring me upon the wall until the pictures fell. I groaned at the thought of it, heat pounding in my core until I gave my mate bedroom eyes.

He grinned as he saw it and captured my mouth again, a hand tweaking my nipple harshly as the other still gripped my hair. Rough. He liked it rough. Hell, I liked it rough.

In answer, I crashed our hips together desperately for friction. The second our manhood's collided, I was all sorts of messy and fidgety, forcing myself against him until we were both moaning and writhing together.

Such fire and heat flooded through me at his sounds, and I raked my nails across his bare back to try steal more from him. Already, my mouth took the breath from his lips, captured the moans and took the biting and wrestling.

He grappled onto my ass in answer, holding on and digging his nails in until our members roughly thrusted together in tandem. I could get off just like this. Already, that rising wave of pleasure was cresting just from this small action of push and pull, rub and grit.

As if noticing my growing pants and groans, Owen pulled away and quickly led me to the bed. Although the climax sorely dropped away from me, I stubbornly pulled against him, a pout on my lips.

Instantly, his mouth captured that jutted out lip between his teeth, gnawing down on it until I was sure it was swollen and red. It would be sore tomorrow, I knew that. But it only turned me on more.

I tugged him until my back was bit into by the sharp dresser, the metals of the handles cold against my bare back. He only growled his approval and tugged at the hem of my pants, pleased to find that I didn't wear any boxers beneath. Already, my fingers found paths between the grooves of his muscles, and my teeth deliciously wrapped onto the lobes of his ears.

I quickly stepped out of my pants and slipped my hands into his own desperately, fingers wrapping onto the lump of his member still trapped beneath his briefs. He groaned and pushed into my hand, the sound and action making me see red as heat razed across my abdomen. My own manhood proudly stood between us, hard enough to break rock.

Owen shoved a hand into my mouth as I slowly, tauntingly slid his pants down. I sucked on it dutifully as I would any other cock and stared him right in the eye as I did. He grinned at the challenge and instantly removed his hand as I bit down in answer.

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