Chapter 10: A Thousand Years

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Rick had been in the same position for three days now. By Morty's side, hoping that he will respond to these treatments. But he still hasn't. And tomorrow they're pulling the plug. The old man hasn't showered, changed, or moved for three days straight. No adventures, no garage gadgets, no drinking into a numbing blackout. Nothing. He hasn't even spoke. Not even to the nearly lifeless boy sitting just a few inches away. Rick's mind had said so many things that he wished he had said to this kid when he was here. Conscious. Breathing on his own. 'Why didn't I just fucking tell him?! My ego was worth that much, that it had to cost Morty his life?!.....' Rick's mind spoke.

The man opened his mouth for the first time in days and said "I'm so proud of you, Morty...for whatever good it does is now...and I know I don't deserve what I'm about to ask you..But I'm gonna need you to come back to me! Because- because tomorrow is gonna come and I'm not ready to lose my little buddy! I don't want a new one! I want mine! And that's you! I have been with you since you were still a toddler! And I know that- that that shouldn't matter to a Rick, but it does to me! You are the reason I get up everyday.. so I can see your optimistic you can ask me to make something and me call your idea stupid...But you're gonna have to come back to me!..." Rick cried. The pale boy still laid there. Still not breathing on his own. Still not responding. Just laying down as if he had already died that day.

The doctors came in and ordered the man to leave. So they could give the boy his last dose, before the plug was pulled. Rick went back to the house and walked to the living room to see both girls sitting waiting for any update whatsoever. Rick looked at both of them numbly, and just shook his head. "Yeah, he's-... he's not responding.." Rick said while wiping away his tears. Beth and Summer both started crying silently. They knew that was going to be the answer. They just didn't want to hear it. I mean, who does?

The two girls cried their eyes out all night while Rick was in the garage, figuring out what to do. Rick got hammered and emotional even though he had been emotional all week. All Rick wanted was someone to talk to. No. Not someone. He wanted Morty to talk to. And he couldn't have him. The best thing to ever happen to his life and him as a person is in life support because of him. And he is fourteen. Fourteen years old. And he was already wanting to die so much that he took it upon himself. And he felt like he couldn't even talk to Rick about it. Rick began talking while slurring and slamming things around in the garage. "If I had one wish in this god damn life- it- it wouldn't be to have someone love me or for my to be a better person or even own the world!... if I had one wish it would to bring Morty back to me..." Rick admitted while crying, slumped in his chair.

Beth came in to check on Rick to see. "Dad? Are you- are you okay?" She asked numbly. Rick drunkenly responded "No! No I'm not okay! Because- because I'm gonna have to go in there tomorrow- the smartest man alive! And I'm gonna have to give up my grandson to death! I shouldn't care, Beth! But- but I do! Cause he- cause he made everything feel like it was gonna be okay even if it wasn't. How am I supposed to deal with that?" The old man shouted. Beth took a deep breath and said "By being the you that you knew Morty knew you could be. By being the man you always wanted to be when Morty would come along and make your day with his optimism and his jokes, his smile, and just- the way he loved you." She softly cried out. "Yeah but-..." Rick broke. "I don't want to live without him!..." the man began sobbing. "Neither do I, dad!!...Neither do I..." she cried with her father. Then summer came in.

"Mom, Grandpa Rick?" She said with mascara all over her face. "I miss him so much!!!!..." She scream cried. They all got into a group hug just crying. They all stopped when a minor scare happened. A picture fell from a book Rick had taken from Morty's room. It was a picture of Rick, Beth, Summer, and even Jerry. They were all smiling in the photo. "What the hell?" Rick said. They all looked at the photo and began crying even more. "See?! He could always look on the bright side for us!.." Beth called out. "That Asshole!" Rick cried out. "I know! But I miss him too!" Summer cried.

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