Chapter 2: Get It Right

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While trying to sleep and failing, Morty tossed and turned in fear of what sights he'd have to face if he just so much as closed his eyes. He simply rested his eyes for a moment to just think, he then felt a chill run down his spine when all of a sudden his sight became clear, and there was Mr. Jellybean, caressing his stomach, and beginning to move lower...

Morty shot up abruptly, feeling sick to his stomach, he sprinted to the bathroom to puke his guts out.
From the alcohol? It may have been part of it. But the main reason had been more obvious than that; more due to the man he had remembered simply by closing his eyes for the briefest of moments.

Morty gripped the toilet bowl as he retched up all the dirty things that infected his life. The boy was shocked by the fact that he was still puking. Albeit, that shocked feeling suddenly turned to a panic once he heard his grandpa knocking on the washroom door.
"Hey Morty? Is that you puking your guts out?" Rick questioned, still half drunk and half passed out.
Morty was about to answer his grandfather with some bullshit lie, when the next wave of vomit arose in his throat.

Whilst the teen continued hurling, he heard a noise behind him, howbeit, the next thing he'd known was he was puking again.
He had been shivering after feeling the touch of what he suddenly realized was a hand. Rick's hand.
"Woah, you're really cold. Are you getting sick again? 'Cause, I need you in tip-top shape for our adventure tomorrow." Rick selfishly remarked.
"N-n-no, Rick! I-I'm f-f-fine! Everything's fine! I guess I just- ate something bad..."  Morty lied through his teeth.
Rick looked at the kid with hesitation.
His brow briefly cocking with minor skepticism lacing his doing so, before he shrugged it off and simply replied.  "Okay. I'll trust you. Only because, I am waaaayyyyy too fuckin' drunk to be d- dealing with your- *burp* shit." He dismissed.
"Just make sure you sleep tonight okay? We can't have another episode like today."
The young boy began feeling this pit that he could only recognized as guilt. Guilt because his grandpa told him that he believed him.
Morty stopped feeling guilty when he went over in his head that it was for the best that he lied. Not to mention the selfish remarks surrounding the statement.

Rick headed back to the garage with his head spinning. He'd laid down on the couch he had in there, and his mind wouldn't let him sleep. It kept screaming something at him.
Rick was too wasted to even care to listen to his brain's consistent warning. Though, his mind still wouldn't let him sleep.
But, as Rick heard the dryer shut in what sounded like a hurry, he'd finally deciphered his mind's message clearly. 'What the hell was up with Morty?' His mind questioned.
Rick had been debating with himself about whether he should go and talk to his grandson about his recent behaviour, or if he should just sleep the 'emotional drunk Rick' off.

Morty had finally been able to get up onto his feet.
The adolescent wanted more than anything to punish himself with his blade, but Morty felt his eyes widened with utter fear. 'My hoodie!' He thought, whilst he sprinted down the hall to check if it got the blood out.
His stomach sank when he still saw a bright red-ish, pink colour surrounding the area of the actual wound.
Morty knew Rick had gone to bed, but he also knew that he hadn't collected his laundry yet. That meant that he had to take it with him before washing it again. So, snatching the hoodie from the dryer, he slammed the door shut and ran down the hall to his room.

The boy paced back and forth in his room, asking himself what to do.
If that stain didn't come out then he'd have had to hide it in the garbage, and everyone had known that Rick was by far the most snoopy person. Not to mention he absolutely could not dispose of it at school.
Morty stopped in his tracks.
He remembered the plasma pistol Rick had in the garage. It destroyed stuff in its entirety. That was his plan. If the stain still hadn't come out, he decided he would then borrow the plasma pistol.

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