。・゚゚・ one: a new start. ・゚゚・。

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          𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕! <3

     you let out a long yawn as you stretched your arms out before you, dragging your backpack behind you and out the front door of your new living space in gangnam

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     you let out a long yawn as you stretched your arms out before you, dragging your backpack behind you and out the front door of your new living space in gangnam.
     "y'know, i'm really missing the money right now...." you muttered as you stared at your shack behind you in disgust.
      sure you could afford a nicer place with the money you set into offshore accounts, but then how would the plot get a move on?
      the wood was flimsy and thin, the paint was chipping off the walls, and you were 100% sure that there were tiles missing from your roof.
     "well, its still better than nothing though. no use in being pessimistic, i guess." you mused, and locked your front door.
      you spun around with your bag hitched onto your shoulder, and was ready to head to your new school until you stopped in your tracks.
     in front of you a tall, adolescent boy also stepped forward from his home across the street, wearing a school uniform extremely similar to yours.
     you snorted, and gave a lazy wave to the pretty boy standing in front of you.
     "what's good neighbor. ready for school?" you asked cheekily as you sauntered forward to stand besides him.
     'shit this dude is tall, wtf?' you blanched at the extreme height difference between the two of you.
     "ah, y-yes! i just transferred, so it'll be my first day here." he gave you a nervous smile, and you barked out a laugh, slapping a hand on his arm.
     "what a fuckin coincidence, huh. its my first day too, i just moved here." you gave a crooked smile, and jerked your head to the right, signalling to move.
    "we probably shouldn't be late on the first day though, huh? let's get a move on."

     as you both made your way to the school, you heard whispers and murmurs echoing around you, and spotting some fingers being pointed

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     as you both made your way to the school, you heard whispers and murmurs echoing around you, and spotting some fingers being pointed.

"wow, look at them!"
"is she a foreigner?
how is she that pretty?"
"he's a ten!"

     "....why are they staring at us? oh god did i do something wrong already?" the tall korean boy whimpered, his knees practically shaking and knocking together as other students balked at us.
     "nah, we're good, don't worry," you assured him as you dug your finger into your nose.
     you and the other transfer student made your way to your assigned homeroom after you went to the office, and waited to be called into the room by the teacher outside.
     "....what's your name again? i don't think i asked, since we rushed to school as soon as we saw each other." the boy glanced over at you, head tilted in question.
     you stared at him for a hot minute, blinked, coughed, and then looked away.
     'why is this mf so goddamn pretty,' you cried internally, patting your hand over your chest.
      you turned back around to answer, but at that moment, the teacher slid open the door and beckoned for you to come in.
     as you stepped into the classroom, the silence was deafening. jaws practically dropped to the floor as eyes immediately analyzed and nitpicked at your appearance.
      'ah shit, here we go again—'
     after you guys introduced yourself, you were assigned your seats. you gave a small smile to Daniel (finally having a name to his face) and slumped down in your seat in front of a sweet looking girl with braids.
     she tapped your shoulder as you sat down, waiting for you to turn around.
     "hi! my name's Mira! if you need any help with school or anything, let me know! i'll be glad to help you out!" she smiled at you sweetly. you stared at her, your jaw slightly hung open as you openly appraised her.
    "you're really adorable. thanks." you said simply, averting your attention to the deskmates behind her as red stained her ears.
     you spotted a blond haired boy that stared at daniel curiously, rings adorning his fingers.
     'why the fuck are there so many pretty boys— WHY IS SHE TAKING OFF HER CLOTHES—' your eyes bugged out as you witnessed a girl slide a blanket off around her waist, seeing Daniel go through a similar series of thoughts as he freaked out.
     'heh, pervert. good thing im not like th— shit the guy next to him is pretty cute.. but his haircut's ass.' you leered at the boy sitting next to
Daniel, watching him grow increasingly angry at both Daniel and the girl who was flaunting her short skirt.
     you yawned again as your dragged your tray along the line in the cafeteria, becoming increasingly more disgusted as the food was slapped onto your plate.
     'miss my prepped meals from my caretaker.' you thought angrily as your shoved your food around with a fork, with Mira becoming worried at your lack of eating.
    as Mira pushed you to eat gently, you watched an ugly set of goons threaten daniel and saunter off, waiting for him after lunch. you shrugged, and turned back to Mira.
     "so uh, tell me about this high school. whats up with it?" you questioned Mira as you spun your fork between your fingers. 
   "well, its a speciality high school—" she started off, clasping her hands in her lap, but Zack intervened quickly, his eyes narrowing in on you.
    "you look familiar." he stated, leaning back in his seat and jamming his hands into his pockets. you stiffened immediately, and Zack narrowed his eyes.
    "no idea what you're talking about." you replied, staring at him.
     "really?" he mocked, twirling a cig between his fingers
      "yeah, really, dumbass." Zack's jaw dropped, eyebrow twitching insistently as you went back to twirling noodles with your fork.
     "no seriously, Zack has a point. say, (y/n)..... did you ever go to an elementary school here?" Mira asked, tilting her head at you. you smacked your lips obnoxiously as you chewed loudly, pondering the question.
     "i remember going to this creepy ass school linked with a church when i was a kid because my dad forced me to. said it was for publicity or some shit. i went there for like a couple of months, but that was it. god that place was fucking creepy bruh." you shivered, suppressing the memories once more.
     Mira gasped, and exchanged a long glance with Zack.
     "so you were the foreigner chick that came one year and hung around Johan. where the fuck is he now, eh?" Zack snorted, but looked up at you expectantly.
      "hell if i know. i don't have contact with anyone." you shrugged. your lunch was relatively quiet after that, and the three of you headed back to class.
     you cackled as daniel stood up cursing, with Zoe's soul floating out of her body.
     "ah, that's jokes, shit..." you slowly wiped a tear from your eye, still giggling. unbeknownst to you, the blond kid you previously eyed up was now watching you curiously through his fringe.
     as they day went on, you continued to make mini paper airplanes and ninja stars, chucking them around as you grew more tired. this led you to taking a fatass nap right in the middle of class, with everyone too intimidated to attempt to wake you up. or they just didn't care.
     you slightly gurgled as you were shook awake.
    "man what the f- oh shit where is everybody.." you groggily rubbed your eyes, stretching and hitting a solid mass behind you.
   "well, thanks for waking me up. did class end?" you asked the person behind you as you rubbed your nose vigorously, turning around and seeing the blond kid behind you.
     he shook his head no, and tapped his wrist twice.
      "CLASS ENDED TWO HOURS AGO BRUH—  okay, so basically fuck everybody. except you, you're my favorite," you stated as you pointed at him. he smiled gently, and jerked his head towards the door, a hand poised in front of him.
    "do i want a ride? hell yes i do."
      and with that, your first day at J High came to a close.

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