Chapter 12

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"Oh my God, I can't do this!" Amber whined, she was on the verge of turning around and walking away. The contest took place in a magnificent hall: the prestigious Guitar Center decorated by luxurious guitars hanging on the wall.

The place was filled to the brim with all kinds of people, there were cameras at every angle, it truly seemed like her first live performance. She swallowed nervously over the lump in her throat, the pressure in her ears was so high she could hear the electricity buzzing - the one that ran through her veins and ended in her fingertips just to create magical sound when merged with strings of her guitar.

"You were born to do this," Brian encouraged her, taking both of her hands in his. He was sitting closer to her than it was considered appropriate, she noticed. His dad and stepmom were there, his little sister curiously soaking in the environment and his bandmates were sitting in the row behind them, all ready to cheer for Amber. Her own mother and father were there too, oddly enough.

"I think I'm gonna be sick" she lowered her head onto his chest, closing her eyes, honestly she couldn't care less who was watching them right now.

"Shh, everything's gonna be fine, I promise. Just be yourself and stick to what we practiced."

She shot him with a playful glare, his infamous smirk already there; she knew exactly what they'd "practiced", little perv. Their eye contact prolonged, his caring, dark eyes telling her just how important she is to him, immediately igniting that youthful spark in hers. Like in a mellowed down movie scene, his lips had descended upon hers, sealing the peaceful moment. She was caught off guard completely, how is this even happening right now? He lingered, daring to cross the line, his mercurial tongue swirled around hers for a moment, she obliged as usual. He tilted his head, his cheeks sunken from intensity of sulking and giving back, like he wanted to take away her burdens with the kiss. She had no control whatsoever and only composed herself when he finished with quick pecks on her lower lip.

Still in daze, she peeked towards his family and guys, curiously finding them all gushing and fawning over them; Jimmy holding his camera in their direction, it was all very well documented now. She just hoped judges wouldn't suspect anything. Brian wasn't officially accounted as her mentor luckily, otherwise they could question the authenticity of her music, it was not allowed to use anything already preexisting nor collaborate with other musicians.

"We now inform the contestants to take their places in the back lounge. The show starts in 5 minutes."

Brian unwillingly let her out of his embrace, Amber looked at him like a deer in headlights; she was sure she'd pass out and never make it to the stage. He escorted her to the entrance, hugging her once more. "Good luck."

Thanks. She'll need it.


Amber won.

A deal with the Atlantic Records, that's insane!

She'll sign that contract in a couple of months time, and if lucky, stay permanently, maybe get recognized by some band or an independent artist, get a contract with Schecter, get famous...

God, she was so excited! She hoped it wasn't just a dream for once.

So much she forgot about Brian's little kiss prior to all of this. Professor and the rest of the squad were currently hugging her, congratulating on winning the contest, as if they had nothing to say about her and Brian. More so, they seemed even more delighted.

"Oh, how I'll miss my girl. Don't just don't let the industry people get to you and teach you their ways." Professor sniffled, he was on the verge of crying.

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