Chapter 2

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God damn birds! They are just as annoying whether it be 5 pm or 5 am. Amber's mind always traveled through the same process. The clock on the screen said it was 9 am, so she got up to do the usual, this time she woke up faster and promptly got out of bed.

She couldn't stop thinking about that mentor. What was he like, the way he looks. She expected formal encounter, strictly working atmosphere- do what you got to then go home. But then again, her professor sounded promising for some reason.

Anyhow, Amber decided to look semi-formal today, tight black long- sleeve shirt and dark green velvet skirt. That should do at any occasion. She tried to put herself in his shoes, what will he think when she enters the room. Maybe too enticing

To the devil with that, Amber thought to herself.

She could wear a baptism gown and still get dirty looks from all kinds of people.

Now, she decided not to pay attention to it. She was going there to get prepared for the opportunity of her life, at least she hoped.


The silver letters welcomed from above once again. Amber went upstairs and slowly opened the door of the music room, where she spent her whole adolescence practicing. Professor was sitting on a chair holding a guitar. Next to him stood a man, leaning on the table behind, chatting with professor as if they knew each other his whole life.

He seemed like a rather handsome man from far distance, considering Amber wasn't wearing her much needed glasses, he could be a fucking ogre.

She closed the door and paced towards them. He glanced towards her for a second before he continued his conversation with a professor. Then his wide eyes found Amber's, his body automatically turned in her direction.

His full attention was on her.

"Hello!" Amber greeted waving a little, she wanted to seem approachable, because god knows how bad she was in stuff like this. "I'm Amber."~she said giving her hand to a stranger.

"Brian Haner."~ he simply stated, lightly shaking her hand.

He couldn't have been more than 25. And she wasn't far from truth when she thought he was a rockstar, he certainly looked like one. Jet black hair framing his beautiful face, godlike cheekbones and jawline, so prominent that even Amber's shortsightedness couldn't blur them when she first entered the room. His smooth skin looked so childlike, freshly shaven, and that cute little nose somehow balanced the steep features.

Though, he somehow reminded her did he say Haner?

"He's my son, my heir." Professor patted his son on his back.

"I'd dare to say fucker is better than me." They laughed, poking each other like immature kids, Amber just grinned awkwardly.

She knew by this time if she looked into his eyes she'd chicken out and reveal herself.

"So the plan is that you two decide how will you start first. You can jam first and then it might progress into a piece of something useful or the second option is that Amber tries to write herself at home and if she needs help you can help her develop." He referred to Brian. "Sounds good?"

Amber nodded, but Brian had something else in his mind. "I was thinking we could jam today, just to see approximately where we stand and then maybe Amber could"

He looked at her straight into her eyes when he said her name. To say gorgeous is an understatement when it comes to this man. His dark eyes glistened for a second while he was looking into hers, before his long lashes closed them, redirecting his gaze towards his father.

"That's an excellent suggestion! Amber?"~professors excitement pulled Amber out of her love haze.

"Of course! I agree!" She didn't even hear the rest of Brian's suggestion, she assumed the other option, that he wanted her to try doing her task alone.

"Than it's a deal. You two are going to do wonderful together, I doubt not. Brian plays in a band, he studied music, so he has some great fundamentals and can help you a lot with this." Amber nodded, smiling to Brian.

She was already flirting, though she knew she shouldn't. They were in front of his father for Christ's sakes, even though he was a chill dude, he still expected them to work hard for the prize. Maybe he wouldn't mind if the circumstances were different.

"On the other hand, my girl here" Professor preached about her successes, putting his hand on her shoulder. Brian seemed to enjoy listening to professor talking about Amber, grin plastered on his face.

How is she supposed to survive this?


"I think you've been pretty creative combining those scales, I see you've got wast knowledge with it now lets focus on your right hand for an alternate picking."

They had a good time, he turned everything into a joke and seemed like an easy person to get along with. She swallowed a lump when professor said he was leaving them alone right away to get to know each other. Brian also seemed a bit shy at first, focusing only on his ideas but soon enough the room was filled with their laughter, him mimicking his fathers moves and voice. He was a total goofball, which made him a thousand times more worthy the risk than his good looks only. Though she decided to play cool as usual, as if she could.

He probably figured her right from the start, when their eyes just met.

"We're done for today. I'll give you my number so whenever you're ready call me and come over, we can try something out." Amber looked at him confused.

"Come where?"~she asked.

"To my house. You agreed before while I talked about it, don't you remember?"

"Mhmm"~she mumbled.

Sly smirk appeared on his face when she looked at him totally lost, but she smiled back before turning her head away.

"Anyway, call me and I'll send you the address."

"I will." She confirmed, putting the guitar back to its case.

"Amber?" She heard him call for her gently, she didn't understand what was it that he did to her whenever his voice became like that. "You've done great today. I think you're really talented and all that shit but don't think you gotta do this alone. If you ever feel blocked, bothered before you even start, call me, and we'll sort it out, ok?"

"Thank you, that's nice of you." Amber replied while grabbing her purse from the table. "I should go now, I'll see you!"

"See ya, sweetie, whenever you're ready!" He teased her while she exited the room.

"It's much better to face these kinds of things

With the sense of poise and rationality" Amber's lovely voice ringed through the empty hallways.

Just an apprentice (Synyster Gates)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora