Chapter 11

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"Are you sure about that?"


"I don't know man, I was already picturing you two naked on the front page of some guitar magazine, her axe covering your junk and shit. Did she really say you're just friends? I can't believe she's not open for anything else." Jimmy shook his head in disbelief, more like he was freezing, his teeth chattering. Damn, he bottomed too many vials of acid this afternoon. Withdrawal was a bitch!

But Syn oh man, he was all messed up. When the rest of guys left their garage where they practiced for fun, Jimmy offered Brian some acid, naturally to try to make him feel better.

Here they are, Brian's head on Jimmy's shoulder, the one he's been staining with his tears for the past two hours. "Look at the dying Sun," he sloppily pointed at the distorted sight, ruined by the dirty garage windows. "Drowning in it's own glory, like my love life."

"Bro, don't do this to yourself, chicks are not worth it."

"Just we never had a chance to rise in the first place."

Brian weeped dramatically, hiding his face in Jimmy's nook. Oh well, it was useless to say anything to him in this state, he was desperate. Jimmy hugged him closer supportively, he hated when Brian cried, he was his best friend after all.

"You'd be a great poet, bro." Jimmy said nonchalantly.

Brian slightly chuckled, the way Jimmy said it - faking despair of some alcoholic poet who couldn't live no more on this world without his love.

"I could at least write a song about her if we never see each other again," he traced the outline of his wedding tattoo, suddenly feeling inspired. "Some ballad, I'm good at that shit I think."

"You're the best I know. I wish someone would write a ballad about me someday like you do." Jimmy nudged him, he knew Syn loved much praise.

"Yeah, she'd totally be fucked the moment she'd hear my song. I'd make it obvious it's about her, too."

"Nah dude, you're just a bit jaded now, I'm sure you won't feel like that tomorrow."

"A bit jaded? Dude she hasn't called me in weeks, ever since I decided it was a bright idea to let her go. I thought she was at least slightly attached, turns out she doesn't care at all. And I thought we could at least stay friends God damnit!" he put his face in his hands, angry at this point.

"I don't know dude, it seems to me, she's scared of something. Like, think about that night in Vegas, she freaked out when you mentioned marriage. I mean I'd freak out too..." Brian sent him a very fucked up version of 'you're a dick' glare, his eyes blood shoot. "But my point is, I think she's scared of stepping into relationship or something, maybe she has issues with the situation you're in or formality of relationships, I mean I have too..."

"Then you go and fuckin' date her!" Brian snapped, wanting to get up and leave, but gravity wouldn't listen. Damn, what a bad trip.

"Dude chill out, I never said I would, besides I have my girlfriend. And I don't date, you know I'm friends before anything else with anyone. Maybe you should too, and stop being so fuckin' needy."

"I'm not needy, I never did-"

"Yes you are. She wouldn't distance herself like this otherwise. And she's only 18, fucking a taken dude who suddenly wants to marry her. Damnit, I'm confused."

"I never intended to come off so pesky."

"You need to talk to her, no beating around the bush, be direct an ask her what's the problem. I mean don't ask her, that's creepy, address it yourself. Talk to her about future, past relationships, issues in family, your relationship with Michelle anything that is a rock on her way."

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