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Andy's POV

The next day


"Is there any specific reason as to why you asked me to come over?" Vegan asked.

"We got DNA test results back?" I said.

"And?" He asked.

"You're not the father" I said. His face went to a ghostly white color and his face lacked emotion.

"Oh" he said before walking out.

"Matt, wait" I called for him.

"No, go live your picture perfect life with Ricky. I knew I couldn't have been the father because I wore a fucking condom, but you know, I was kind of hoping it broke so I could have a child with the woman I love. But fuck it, I hate you now" he snapped.

"The feelings mutual, I hate you too asshole!" I shouted as he left.

I sat back down on the couch and started crying. I don't think I wanna be the tour manager for this band if I have to deal with that asshole.

With that being said, I might as well start packing because I'll be deported back to America and then Topanga will have to registered as an American citizen. I was only here because of a job, and if I quit that job, I can't live in the UK anymore.

I guess I'll live with Ricky since he's a big help to me for taking care of Topanga and he wants me to come back to America with him.

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