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Andy's POV


I got back to mine and Vegan's room. Oliver was gone. Vegan was sitting at the edge of our bed, crying.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked, taking a seat next to him, rubbing his back in a comforting way.

"Y-your brother said that if we don't break up, I'm out of the band. I don't know what to do. If I choose the band, I'm a dick. If I choose you, I'll be letting down the fans" he cried.

"Matt, you won't be a dick. Oliver is the dick in this situation. You can choose the band, I won't be mad" I said. Lie. I would be mad, but, he certainly wouldn't be a dick.

"No. I'm not choosing the band over my girlfriend" he insisted.

"Maybe, this'll make you decision easier, Ricky kissed me" I told him.

"Did you kiss back?" He asked.

"Only for a split second, then I pushed him off" I answered truthfully.

"Well, you didn't instigate it, you pushed him off and you're telling the truth. I'm choosing you" he shrugged.

"Matt, how are we going to find a bassist in a short amount of time?" I asked.

"Well, Oli said that if I chose you, that this would be my last tour with the band" he explained.

"You know he can just fire me, right?" I asked.

"Then you wouldn't be able to come on tour with us and keep me sane" he chuckled lightly

"How about we pretend to break up for the tour and we go back to our normal selves?" I asked.

"I don't know. Not being able to hold your hand, hold you or kiss you sounds pretty hard" he sighed.

"How about we make this night special?" I asked. He nodded and pinned me down to the bed and I think you guys know what happens from there.

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