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Ricky's POV

Two months later


I still haven't apologized to Andy. Bad. I know. You don't need to tell me that I need to, I already got a lecture from Jessica.

I finally thought of an apology.

I'm going to text it to her since I'm a pussy.


Hey Andy, sorry I never
replied to that pregnancy
update you sent me a
couple of months ago.
I'm glad you and baby are
doing ok. How are you guys
now? Have you found out
what you're having yet? I'm
also sorry for telling you
that I don't want anything
to do w the baby. I do wanna
be in the baby's life.

I know you're probably
still pissed at me. Just text
me or call me when you can

I hesitantly pressed send. Let's hope for the best.

"Did you apologize to Andy yet?" Jessica asked.

"Just did" I told her.

"Through text? Come on, Richard. That's cowardly as fuck" she told me.

"I know, but what's done is done" I sighed as my phone started buzzing.

"That's Andy" I pointed out  before I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Ricky. I accept your apology" she told me.

"Okay, how's the baby doing?" I asked.

"It's a girl" she told me.

"Jess, I might have a daughter" I told Jessica.

"That's great!" Jessica said.

"Who's Jess?" Andy asked.

"My girlfriend" I told her.

"Oh so, you have a girlfriend but you told me that you liked me, that makes so much sense, Richard" she snapped.

"We had sex before I started dating her, I also liked her but-" I said before she cut me off.

Juvy (Ricky Horror)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz