Action & Reaction -2

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Soon they reached Ajmer, the app showed them to reach the royal palace of Ajmer, they were about to turn in the direction when Shourya got a call from his head of security.

"Nikhil we found out where he is taking Shivangi." Shourya Jiju said and Nikhil looked at him expectantly.

"He is leaving Rajasthan, he is going towards Delhi, he is probably trying to take a flight out of country." Shourya said and Nikhil's jaw tightened and his veins popped up in anger.

"I wont let that bastard get out of this country. He dared touch my Shivi, I will kill him." Nikhil said angrily and BhanuPratap turned the car towards Delhi highway.

Nikhil picked his phone and called someone.

After hanging up the phone Ayush looks at Shourya and was about to ask something when Nikhil's phone rang.

He picked the call, held the phone near his ear but didn't say anything.

"Your Majesty, you are not that stupid as I took you for. But don't forget your pretty little wife is with me." the voice from the other end said making Nikhil's blood boil.

"You bastard, you try and touch a hair on her and I swear I will shred you into pieces and throw in front of vultures." Nikhil said angrily.

"Oohh angry, I like that. I can see the royal blood talking now. I didn't call you to talk, I called you to make a deal. I know police everywhere is looking for me now since you broke the news in the media with my picture. So now if you want your wife alive and without a scratch then you give me a helicopter in next one hour or get ready to say goodbye to your wife forever." Prithvi Singh said making Nikhil skip his heartbeat.

"How do I know she is still with you? Her phone is not reachable, I need to talk to her." Nikhil said while he secretly directed BhanuPratap something.

"Hel..hello Nik" Shivangi said a little worried.

"Shivi, Shivi are you okay? Please tell me you are okay." Nikhil asked desperately.

"Yes, I am okay Nik but just don't give him what he wants. He don't.." She was cut in between with the sound of a slap.

"Just shut up you bitch, nobody asked your opinion. If it wasn't for you, I would not be running like this. You just fucked my life, you just wait what I do to you." Prithvi said angrily as he slapped her.

"Dont you dare touch her Prithvi Singh I am telling you, I won't leave you. I will find you even if you hide in hell." Nikhil shouted in the phone and BhanuPratap took a sharp turn.

"Yes you might but by then I would have been done with this bitch here who messed my life. You know what forget it, I don't want any helicopter. Now I just want to make her miserable, I want to make her scream for mercy." Prithvi said and hung up.

Nikhil shouted in anger when Bhanu pratap suddenly stopped the car with a jerk.

They all looked at the front and saw a jeep parked. They were still an hour away from the airport close to the highway. They jumped out of the car and ran to check the jeep but it was empty and inside they found Shivangi's phone. 

"Its time, you know what to do. I know we planned it for later, but we need it right now, so go for it." Nikhil said these words and cut the call. Ayusha and Shourya looked at each other in suspicion but decided to not ask anything since Nikhil was already pissed off.

They were still about two hours away from the Delhi Airport when Ayush got a call from Disha.

"Ayush, what is happening? Nikhil and Shourya's phones were unreachable, there is news on the TV on every damn news channel about Prithvi Singh and his illegal activities but there is no news about him or Shivangi or any of you. So please tell me you guys are safe and got him." Disha asked sounding worried.

"Dont worry Di, we are fine and that asshole too won't be able to escape. We are on our way to get him. Just stay calm and I don't know what you heard on the news but I will let you all know as soon as this is over. Please calm down and make sure everyone including Grandma is fine and not worked up." Ayush said and Disha agreed understanding the situation. 

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