"I know I'm not.. in a clear.. mind. But. You... high as fuck. You sh..ouldnt try.. shit." Still, I found myself passing the flat surface to this bloodshot eyed stoner.

He was about to fuck his whole system over man. I didn't need to be cracked to figure that much out.

There was a good amount of coke left on there. So it didn't take my by surprise when he gave droopy smile. Then Said,

"I'm gonna snort this whole motherfucker up."

I'll just do lsd next time man.

Before I gathered any energy to protest, I saw him do 80% of the line of coke.

I kept still. He kept still. The. Lifted his head to the ceiling and kept it there for a while. One minute turned into 2 and 2 into 6.

"I can hear the colour yellow." he slurred, then He started to giggle about something that I couldn't even comprehend. Not only because my mind was foggy as fuck but because he just... he's he! Fucking stupid.

"Bro you.. you gonna hate the .. small... low. After that high." I slurred and ran a hand through my hair again.

Not gonna lie. I can't feel my left arm nor half of my face. That's the only part that fucking scares me.

"I'm. Gonna... get soda." He lazily pushed himself off the bed he had nearly fallen off of.
And walked.

He did a tiptoe catwalk, in a painfully slow manner, until he bent down and did a horrible version of a whistle.

"Come on, kitty . Oh! No. Don't run."

He had no idea there was a wall. And as he stood up. He walked straight into it. Headfirst. And down onto the floor.

"Mean, pussy." He groaned and immediately started snoring lowly.

I would have reacted if I were sober.

But this. Situation. I just stared at him. My hallucinations stopped already. Some trippy dream kinda shit. It will only take minutes until I get pins and needles, thirst and a headache. I slowly looked towards my bottle of water and laid back. Watching it. Man, something is off about that bottle. Aside from the way it was graphically designed.

I sighed... or yawned and sat up. I looked around the fuzzy room and began to shake my leg awake. Once it nearly past the pins and needles stage I got up and attempted to stretch. Let's just say, I face planted the nearest item. Which happened be my bed. If my arms didn't go out in front of me in reflex, I would have more than the bloody forehead I have now. Despite my urges, I got myself to the bathroom and got the first aid kit.

I steadily walked downstairs with it, got in the kitchen and practically hauled myself up to the sink. I got myself a glass of water that seemed to have had a mind of its own and drank some. Mid drink, my door bell rang and I dropped the glass. The shatter sounded like rapid glass wind chimes in collision. I let go of the counter and fell on some of it. I definitely did not feel that pain, I just saw some stuff that would make me wanna-

"Zendaya! What the heck happened!"

That voice? Wait, did I really leave my door open?

"How- what's going on??!" Oh. Storm.

"The! Oh! glass. Is fuc.in talking."

"Zend- Wait are you high!?"

I laughed then reached up and felt her ear, then looked at it.

"Prettiest.." I mumbled

"What happened to your forehead?" I think that's what she said.

"Wan'ed water. So, I left— rosy- what's his name? Ugh, I got the water."

She mumbled something that my mind was too fucked to get, so I pinched her ear.

"Woah, it grew! Your ear got long!"

"Zendaya you need to go to the hospital."

I barely shook my head and tried to sit up. I think she helped with that. And when I did I saw her shape go in front of me. I noticed the currently swirling patterns and her hair changing shapes. I probably did I blank but goofy smile before I felt slight tugs on my arm and back. I could feel the sympathy radiating off her. I next looked at my kitchen table. It was marble then it was chocolate coloured. I blinked hard then rubbed at my eyes. Whenever I think this is fucked, I remind myself that the low hurts and this is the fun part... most times.

"I'm not happy." I mumbled, slouching more.

"Of course not, you're high on something." I heard the mutter.

"Tammuz is still alive in me," I said slumping forward, until I had somewhat laid on her lap.

"Why—how do you know?" She stopped tugging on my back.

"Every month. A few days. I lose contra gained." I bit my tongue

"You what?" I stayed silent for her to figure out. "You lose control?"

I kissed her leg in agreement, which resulted in a slight squirm.

"I still, wanna. Eat-"

"Please mean vegetables-"


"Well, fuck me." She muttered quietly.

"I can if you want-"

"You have girlfriend— shut the fuck up." I felt a collision on my back.

"I wanna commit die."

"Z, what did you take." Is that happiness or anger?

"Coke. Female hero?"

"For how long?!"

"I don't dinging know. Long." Enough to get my nose bleeding.

Cramps in my stomach that felt like a knife stabbing me over and over ensued.
I put my injured and uninjured arm around my stomach and got out a sudden scream.
After that my hysterical crying began. Why did I do that? It'd be best if I Slept. So I began to will myself to sleep and hoped it was the last time I would fall asleep. Maybe even stay asleep.
All the while Storm was tearing up while singing Safe and sound.

Just close your eyes,
The sun is going down,
You'll be alright,
No one can hurt you now.
Come morning light,
You and I'll be safe, and sound.

A twist In My life *completed* March 24 2021*sniffle*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora