Chapter 1- Introductions

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Hello. My name is Shane Enoshima and I am a student here at Hope's PeakAcademy. But to be honest, I believe I am only here because of my twin sister, Shannon. She's a world renowned makeup artist and was immediately accepted here. I, on the other hand, do not have any talent whatsoever. Literally, my SuperHigh School level is "brother." Ugh, I guess I can't complain. After all, I got in, didn't I?

      What surprised me was them allowing an Enoshima into Hope's Peak. Twenty years ago, my Aunt Junko caused almost the complete destruction of the world, but luckily Makoto Naegi and the five other escapees saved us. I am also surprised that sis could even be near Marine Naegi, the daughter of the guy who killed our Aunt. But to be honest, I fully believed she deserved it. She caused the death of millions of people. That's why the whole world is afraid of the Enoshima family. I'm not anything like my Aunt, can't say the same about my sister, though.

             Anyways, I'm standing here in the middle of a classroom with 33 other students about....wait...ugh...what's going on................

              I can't remember anything after that. All I remember is glitching voices and black. My eyes slowly flutter open, sunlight shining brightly. I hear crashing; is that...waves? I feel the ground below me; warm sand is cushioning my body as the tide slowly creeps towards me. "Shane, are you ok?" a stern woman's voice says behind me.

            I turn around and see Bee standing there, her heels sinking into the tan ground below her. (Robotic like voice- Busy Bee SHSL Baker) "Thank god I found you. Do you know where we are?"

                I'm so glad to see a familiar face. Bee (nobody knows her real name, not even me) has been my best friend for about three years now. She is one of the few people who does not bother me about being an Enoshima. "No. I don't. Did you..."

              She interrupted me with a huff. "On a beach, yes I did. I think I saw other too, but eh. You know how I am with people."

               I laugh, but suddenly we heard something. We both turned our heads and looked at the palm tree behind us. For some reason, there was a monitor on it and it turned on, but the screen was all glitchy. A static voice said, " island."

                 Bee turned her head to me, raising an eyebrow. She flipped her bangs from her face, like she does every five minutes or so, and said, "Guess we should head for the middle of the island?"

                I nodded and we went our ways. There were stores and an airport, but the only thing missing were the people. Like, this looks like a resort spot with its beautiful sandy beaches, scenery, and deluxe stores, but everything is empty. After a few minutes of carelessly wondering about, we finally reached the middle of the island. There was a large stage just standing there. There was also something else. Fourteen other people, my age, were just standing there. The all turned around when Bee and I arrived. "Bee! Shane! I can't believe you arrived here too!"

               I looked and saw our friend, Teiko Ishimaro, pushing through a few people. (Robotic voice- Teiko Ishimaro SHSL Tattooist) "I can't believe it!"

                He hugged us both tightly. He then said, "So why are we on an island?"

      A shrill voice responded, "I don't think anyone knows. But who cares! Look at these waves!"

              A magenta haired girl pushed through the crowd as she finished her sentence, knocking over a long, dirty blonde haired girl. She picked herself up and looked at one girl with anger. Magenta hair peered out behind me. She notices me and says, "Oh hey! Haha, sorry, my name is Krista!" (Robotic voice- Krista Yantz SHSL Surfer)

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