Chapter 2- Blood Bath

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The rest of the afternoon was quiet and grim. I have never seen Bee cry before and let me tell you something, it's a scary thing. I don't believe Shannon is dead. She does makeup for a living so that picture could be her doing what she does best. As for the rest of the students...I can't imagine. What I am really scared of is if anyone takes the motive seriously and kills someone.

It's been a couple of hours since then. The only one who isn't freaking out is Reokyu. He has been nothing but calm since we have gotten here. I decided I needed to talk to someone. But to be honest, he kinda intimidates me. He's about two feet taller than me. I still talk to him. "Umm, hey Reokyu. How are you...feeling."

Ugh, why am I so nervous to talk to him? He grinned, but kept his eyes to the sky. "I can tell you are nervous. Don't be. I don't bite...hard."

How did he know? He hasn't laid an eye on me. I laugh a bit. "Sorry, it's just you are a little..."

Again, he grinned. "What, scary? I get that often. As a swordsman, I get a lot of things. I'm sure you get a lot of shit too. Being related to Junko Enoshima."

Here it goes. "Yeah, everyone believes that since she basically destroyed the world, my sister or I will. I can't go anywhere without getting kicked out or blamed. I'm lucky to have the two friends I have. They accept me when no one else does."

Reokyu continue to stare at the sky and put his hand on my shoulder. "You have three friends. I may not know you well, yet, but there is something in you that makes me know we will be good friends."

He began to walk away when he stopped. "Don't let being an Enoshima stop you from anything."

He left and I went off to the Supermarket. I have nothing better to do.

The walk wasn't too long and I took my time. The breeze was soft and brought the smell of the crisp smell of the ocean with it. I reached the market within three minutes, sighing as the doors slid open; a blast of cold air slapping me in the face. The first thing I see is Trickxie, sitting on the floor next to the fridges, with an open packet of chicken in front of her. There was raw chicken dangling from her lips and fat was melting on her face. The sight was sickening and I was about to turn around when her eyes met mine. It seemed as though she was embarrassed by what she was doing and kicked the pack across the store. She wiped her face with a cloth that was on display near by and began walking towards me. I wanted to run, but my body just wouldn't move. She finally got to me and smiled, showing little pieces of chicken stuck in her sharp teeth. "Hi Shane. What brings you here?"

For an insane chick, she is speaking quite normally. Still, I didn't know what to expect from her. "Just exploring. You?"

She looked down to the floor, twirling some of her hair in her fingers. She kinda looked like a typical stereotype school girl. "You know, looking for a snack, trying to get my mind off of this morning."

My mind pondered what Monokuma could have possibly showed her for a second, and then she continued to talk again. "I think people think I'm crazy. You don't know me too well, but you will see that I am normal."

I don't exactly see how I can see her being normal when I just caught her eating raw chicken. But instead of pissing her off, I just went with it. Noticing her dagger-like nails, I gulped before saying, "I don't think you're crazy. People are just not in the right mind set with everything that is going on."

Her eyes met mine again and she just nodded, making her way out of the supermarket. I'm thrilled that the conversation didn't last long. Trickxie just makes me feel uncomfortable. I decided to look around the market. Every day things were stacked on shelves and food was in fridges. I noticed one aisle in particular, though. All of the shelves were packed with things ranging from duct tape to chainsaws. Monokuma obviously wanted us to kill one another, so he supplied the materials needed. I kept walking and noticed things like night vision goggles and heat detectors. Half of this stuff looks like it belongs in the military. I kept walking around when I felt someone pick me up from behind. I yelped and Karkhov turned me around to face him. Not gonna lie, I'm still pretty intimidated by him. Then again, who wouldn't be?

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