Protaganist club

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Babyegg: 👉🏼
Moneylegs: what is going on here
Dumdass101: don't ask and can someone come and help me I got my arm stuck.
Wannabesinger: bro what did you get it stuck in or on.
Dumbass101: ....
The door to my dorm
Panratlier: I am now just impressed by this idiot kito is second to this dumbass.
Emodetectivebi: protagonists my room we need to have an emergency meeting now.
Babyegg: on my way
Bigtits: kk
Babyegggirl: 👍🏼

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* wow a POV from Shuichi *
I lade back down on my bed. the others are on there way here. I need to prepare for them. I got up and changed my clothes from my normal ones that I wore to school to a black sweat shirt that said "mcr " in big letters and shorts . Ok the reason that I called for a protagonist meeting is for a crisis that is going to happen thanks to break coming [ ding ding ] oh there here. I walk to the door to see kumaru Hajime makoto and akumatsu. With ice cream and looked to be detective movies. " come in come in" I tell them " hay Shuichi? Is this meeting about he beak because you always know you have a place to come at my house my parents love you and we have a spare room you could use " akumatsu asked giving me a conserned look. " I will explain once everyone is in" I tell her as the others trail in. Everyone had sat done on the floor or my bed." Ok so we all know that spring beak is coming in a few days and we will have to leave the school and go to a parent or Gardena.." everyone looked around and did some type of yes. " ok so I know some of use have not so good family's in all of are classes. So I am thinking of renting a hotel for all the students that don't have families that support them or are homophobic so they can have a good beak. I will need you all to get some parents that are not transphobic or homophobic so we will still have a parental figure utter than Tojo knowing she is like all of are second mom." I said hoping that they will agree. " ya I like that idea Shuichi my mom can probably come I will ask her." Akumatsu said grabbing her phone to probably text or call her mom.  " mine and Kumaru's dad can probably come as well are mom is homophobic but are dad if fine with it al-" " dad will treat all of you like you are his children and he just adopted all of us." kumaru said interrupting makoto. " oh ya my grandma can come and my brother izura will find it fun to watch us all to " Hajime said getting up " awesome well we can tell the others tomorrow i want to sleep now * yawn* but we will talk more tomorrow " after they all left I had just gotten to bed and was having the normal thought of kokichi I didn't know what they meant though I will ask akumatsu about them tomorrow.

———————————————————————————— A/N ok ok so new stir new plot and getting the first going I am working on the soudam one don't worry that one is just low inspo so it might tack a wile to update anyways byee and this for reading

A Danganrompa chatfic ( manly ships )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz