Chapter Two: Let's Make A Deal

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You are leaning against a tree, taking shelter from the intense sunlight. A light breeze rustles the leaves, and blows some of your (Y/hc) hair in front of your eye. You sweep it away in one fluid motion, before returning your arms to their folded position.

You look off to your side and see Tatsumi sat at the cliffside, staring down at two rocky mounds in front of him. You can't see his face, but you can feel his grief, even though you're standing a good few metres away from him.

Tatsumi: "It's...Just me now." He whispers, his voice on the verge of cracking. You then see Leone, the blonde woman from before, approach Tatsumi from behind, where she proceeds to drape her ample chest over the boy's head. Tatsumi leaps away in surprise, his cheeks flush with colour.

Tatsumi: "WWWOOOAAAHHH!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ALL OF A SUDDEN!?!?" Leone giggles at Tatsumi's flustered reaction.

Leone: "You can't keep sulking forever. It's been three days since then. Have you made your decision to become a part of Night Raid?"

Tatsumi: "LIKE I SAID!!! I..." Whatever Tatsumi was going to say is quickly stopped by Leone wrapping her arm around his shoulder and playfully pulling on his cheek.

Leone: "I think you have a talent for murder though...Big sis guarantees it." You definitely detect some flirtatious undertones to her compliment. Tatsumi doesn't seem to notice though. The red on his cheeks is most likely due to his head's close proximity to Leone's chest.

Tatsumi: "I'm not wavering because of talent and such...It's just that...Something like murder." He whispers the last part, almost like he can't even say the words. Leone simply smiles at him, but not her usual flirty one, a genuine, caring smile.

Leone: "Well at any rate, I'll show you around the hideout today!" Leone locks Tatsumi's neck into a tight headlock and begins dragging him towards the hideout, completly ignoring his yelling.

Suddenly, she stops, and her happy expression drops. Her head snaps to where you're standing. "Oi...You're coming with us too. There's no way I'm letting you out of my sight." With a weary sigh, you walk out from behind the tree, and watch as Tatsumi's brow creases into a look of pure disgust.

Tatsumi: "So that's where you were hiding." His words are growled through gritted teeth.

Leone: "Personally, I'd prefer it if you just up and left. But if you plan on sticking around, you need to become better at hiding your presence." You walk past them both, not even bothering to make eye contact. You came to the conclusion that there was nothing you could do about their hatred for you, so you decided that there's no point in wasting your time trying to change it.

(Y/fn): "Trust me. If I was really trying to hide...You wouldn't know." With that last comment, you push your hands into your pockets and head towards the hideout.

______________________________________Five minutes later:The meeting room: The meeting room is a large square room with a large wooden table in the centre

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Five minutes later:
The meeting room:
The meeting room is a large square room with a large wooden table in the centre. There's an intricate mantle piece at the far end of the room with the Night Raid flag hanging over it.

The gambling man (OP Male Reader X Esdeath) Akame ga kill fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang