Chapter Thirteen: An Unexpected Twist

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Jaeger's main base:
Dining area:

After a long day of continuing their compulsory meetings with the various statesmen of the Empire, the Jaegers finally have a few hours to themselves and have taken the opportunity to bond over a delicious shared meal.

In the kitchen, Wave and Bols slave over the stoves, making use of the fish that the former brought with him.

Wave stirs a collection of fish heads and calamari in a large pot containing a delicate cream sauce and an assortment of mixed vegetables.

Whereas Bols works on preparing a rather fatty tuna that he expertly descales with a large knife before effortlessly turning the great animal over and continuing his preparations as if he was a machine.

Wave watches the display with unabashed awe. He never thought fish could be prepared with such finesse and flair.

Even after growing up by the sea his whole life, he has never seen someone tackle the task with such ease.

His reverence is drawn to a close, however, when Bols suddenly snaps his head in Wave's direction, sending a sudden chill up the young man's spine.

Bols: "Wave, the spinach goes in last. Otherwise it will wilt," but he immediately feels like a fool, as Bols' gentle voice reminds him of who he's cooking with. Even the direction came out as more of a suggestion in Bols' subdued voice.

Wave: "Ah. Sorry," Wave puts the slender vegetable down and nervously laughs. "Man, I gotta tell ya...I'm relieved you're such a nice guy, Bols." Suddenly, the knife comes down on the fish's neck, severing the head from the body. And there it remains, embedded in the chopping board, completely motionless, as Bols stares at the gleam in the blade, the harsh light reflected in his white mask.

Bols: "I'm.... not a nice guy," Bols mutters as his being is environed by a deep, dark cloud.

Wave nervously swallows as he feels he may have intruded upon a subject he had no right to.

Meanwhile, in the adjoining room, separated by only a single door, the other members of the Jaegers, including Esdeath, sit around the table, passing the time until dinner is served.

Kurome sits at the far end, teasing Kuro with a cat wand. She wiggles the obnoxious contraption above his head, his eyes darting in all directions as he tracks it. But when he leaps for it, Kurome quickly pulls it out of his reach, his stubby legs failing him once again.

Whilst most would see this interaction as needlessly cruel on Kurome's part, the way that Kuro's little ball of a tail jerks from side to side shows that it's anything but.

Kurome is so engrossed with her little game, that she barely registers the conversation happening a single chair to her right.

Seryu: "I'm curious...what do you like to do in your personal time, General?" Seryu asks as she watches Esdeath's slender fingers bring the edge of her teacup to her pristine lips.

The question is certainly an odd one to ask of someone with Esdeath's reputation. And even the great general was caught off guard by it for the briefest of moments. But she regains her composure so quickly, only she realises it.

Esdeath: "Hunting, torture. Or studying up on either one," she speaks about it like anyone else would if they had a painting hobby. "But lately," she places the cup down, barely rattling the saucer as she does. "I'd fall in love."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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