When it started

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I actually don't know when it started because after thinking about it for a while I released I have felt this way for a lot of my life.

It was around August when I really started to release it. I had this feeling that something was going to change, I dwelled on the feel for ages but I didn't know that it would affect my mental health.

After a month of having this feeling I started to have psychopathic thoughts all the time. I tried to exclude myself when I did have these thoughts, but it was hard when I was at a sleepover.

I decided to deal with the feelings and the thoughts, until everything was an effort, I didn't feel as energetic as I normally did and I just felt sad and tired 24/7.

I got home from school one day and looked up 'signs of depression', it took me to a youth beyond blue website. I did a little cheek list and it came up with the result that i had depression 25 out of 50.

I cheek the website every week and it just keeps going up. I'm up to 36 now.

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