I'm Scared

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"I'm scared." These are the words I keep whispering to myself.

I'm not sure if this is a part of my depression, or just part of me. All I know is that I'm scared.

I'm scared that I won't be as flexible as I want to be.

I'm scared that someone will overthrow my intelligence.

I'm scared that I'm not good enough for dance.

I'm scared that I won't end up with who I want.

I'm scared that my "friends" won't like me.

I'm scared that I'm not pretty enough.

I'm scared that I'll be judged.

I'm scared that I won't fulfil my dream.

I'm scared to take a stand. (Even though I want too)

I'm scared I'll get into trouble.

I'm scared that people are taking behind my back.

I'm scared to speak up.

I'm scared people won't like what I say.

The list can go on and on. So if I have to say it, I would say that being scared is my biggest flaw. But really the thing that sums it all up is.

I'm scared to be myself.

Everyone thinks I'm super crazy. Super energetic and super happy. I really the complete opposite. I used to be like that but I'm not anymore. I'm just scared to tell/show people the real me.

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