"Can't get sleep?" I asked him sitting on the couch, still, his eyes remained on me not wavering a bit.

"Why did he kissed you" Expected this question.

"He... did?" even though I tried not to stammer but failed though, "I am not blind" he nearly yelled.

Mentally smirking, "does it matters to you?" grunting like a monster he took a cigarette and took a long puff inhaling the bad smoke in.

'It's not good for health Arjun' I wanted to say but he moved towards the porch while I watched him looking out the city with an impatient look, when his cigarette finished he throws it and lighted another one, I sighed deeply and moved towards him taking the cigarette out from his mouth, "You are hurting yourself" I said softly.

"Get. Away. From. Me" he took another cigarette but I took it too throwing it away, without letting me know what is going he grabbed my hand angrily folding it back as my front his pressed against his hard chest letting me breathe his masculine scent which filled my nostrils his heated gaze boring into my eyes staring directly into my soul with different emotions which felt difficult to understand "why did you let him kiss you" his hot breath fanning on my lips making my lips tremble in his hands, slowly his other hand delicately embraced my waist.

"tell me" his hard strong voice came out softly making me go crazy and weak in his arms, "it's...it's just..." I crushed myself for stammering.

"Just?" he asked raising his eyebrows asking me to continue, involuntarily my stare moved down to his sharp chiseled nose adding sins to his handsomeness and the lips pressed in thin line expressing he is now in a serious mode rather than the regular smirk which wanted to see me in pain or hurt, after a long time I saw there is a possessive look in his ice melting orbs, "Just cheek kiss" there I said without stammering. 

But his look looked more different now, "Just cheek kiss?" he laughed bitterly bringing me more close to him where I am hell bound to make the distance between us, "Haa? Just?" I felt irritated with his behavior.

"he is flirting with you openly and he kissed you"

I cut him, "it's not like a kiss which you share with your girlfriends" his eyes mirrored confusion, "who told you this?"

"Why? Scared that I know about your true colors?" I asked masking my hurt.

Gritting his teeth, "I asked who told you this?"

"Your brother" his firm stare spared me a few seconds by looking back at me into the living room, "wherever the kiss may be, no one is kissing you" he ordered me as he owns me.

Yeah, he owns me, not with authority but I want it to be with love.

"When I marry someone leaving you, I will kiss him. Will you say the same then too?" the anger, hatred reflected from his eyes spent chill down my spine in fear, "you can't control my life when you wanted me out of your life nor you love me. You lost the rights on me when you decided to throw me out of your life with your money Arjun" let him get angry, as I care.

His thumb caressed my cheek, while I closed my eyes taking a long breath, and opened again to stare directly into his cold ones, "Correct, but no one is kissing you when you are with me" he bent to my level and kissed my cheek for a few seconds as my hold on his shirt collar tightened unable to withhold his warm simple touch on me. 

Can I just slap this man tight on his cheek?

'I won't touch you without love' his words rang on my ears and I pushed him away moving backward holding the steel railing hard biting my cheeks, "you told me you won't touch me without love" I yelled at him as anger build up in me.

His eyes moved to my cheek for a fraction of a second then back to my eyes, "Ok" he yelled matching my pace, "Don't cry and go in" I touched my cheek and saw a tear rolling down. He took a cigarette, this time I am not stopping him, he inhaled a deep puff in looking up at the sky and exhaled it gripping his hair.

"Why did you left me there?" 

He is determined not to look at me, inhaling a puff, "I am not answerable to you" I hit his arm hard, "you deserve hell Arjun, you left me there without uttering a word and the next day gave me things like a perfect husband without even seeing me once, have you ever thought about me in these three days? Are you that desperate to get rid of me?" I hit his hand again wiping my tears, "go to hell you idiot freaking Arjun" making my way inside the living room seeing this stone-made human being.

"throw that tank out tomorrow" he ordered.

"You are stupid if you think I will respect you. And try to touch it, I will break your hand" wish he is facing me to see his reaction to my outburst.

So.....????? How is the chapter?

comments, please.

Hope you all like it, bye take care until the next chapter.

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