Chapter 7: The Potion

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Draco's PoV:
Pansy bit her lip.
"Tell us, then!", she urged.

I sighed.
"It's not that easy. I'll have to tell you about my scars, and I don't want to."

Pansy ruffled Theo and Harry's hair with one hand each in frustration.

"But I want my- I mean our Harry to get better!"

"Awe, does someone have a crush?", Theo cooed.

Pansy and Harry turned beet red.

I smirked, but I felt kinda sad inside. I guess I've always had that little crush on Pansy, I mean, she had wavy, black hair, intense blue-green eyes different from Harry's, and if you looked closely, you-

"Draco!", Pansy cried.

Right. I had Hermione. And I think I have a large crush on Hermione.
I'm totally over Pansy.

"Yeah. Well, my father started to crucio me since I was eight, and my mum always begged him to stop.
That went on his nerves, and", I swallowed. "he imperiused her.
That went wrong and my mum couldn't remember any moments of her life.
So I went to Severus, and he brewed a Memory-Potion, which could restore memories.
I gave it to mum, and I always have a few emergency vials with me. I'll just get it", I mumbled and stood up.
Pansy's PoV:
I mean, poor Draco....
He had to go through so much...
I sighed.

"Hey, don't fall into depressions, guys", Blaise grinned cheekily.

I glared at him.

Draco pounded down the stairs with one vial of thick dark green liquid. I smirked. House Pride.

"Here", he panted, handing Harry the vial.

Harry gulped it down, sighed dramatically, and fell unconscious again.

I rolled my eyes. Boys.

"Oh my goodness", Theo said, still a bit pale because of Draco's story.
"Guys. It's 7:30 a.m. We have to go to breakfast."

We stood up, everyone making last minute arrangements.

I went to my dorm to apply my pink lipgloss.
Theo and Blaise fetched their respective bags.
Draco still had to shower.
Theo always showered in the evening after dinner.

After that I levitated Harry to breakfast. The other boys looked at me, amazed.
Yes, I could do the 'Wingardium Leviosa' before anyone teaching us.

Flitwick looked impressed, as we entered the hall.

Dumbledore came rushing to us.

I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!", he bellowed, but the great hall was noisy enough for no one but Flitwick, McGonnagall and Snape to notice.

They hurried over to us and started talking at the same time.

"Miss Parkinson, it is very nice to know that you already know the 'Wingardium Leviosa', I was actually going to teach that one today-", Flitwick said.

McGonnagall put her hands in front of her mouth and gasped.
"I demand to know what happened here-", she started.

Snape cut her off. "I believe that Mr. Potter belongs to my house, Minerva, it is none of your worries about what happened to him."

Snape then turned to Draco. "You gave it to him?"

Draco nodded.

"WHAT-DID-YOU-DO-TO-HIM?!", Dumbledore panted, pointing a pale finger at Draco.

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