Chapter 4: The Rejection

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"Sirius...", Harry whispered.

The black dog turned around and looked at Harry with his stunning grey eyes.

He came towards Harry and questioningly turned his head to the side, deep sorrow could be seen in the dog's eyes.

"Padfoot", Harry said quietly. And hugged Sirius, who still was in his dog form.

That was all it took for Sirius to turn back human again and hug Harry back with all his might.

"But how?", Harry asked Sirius. Sirius escaped Azkaban in Harry's third year, how was Sirius here two years before that?

Sirius chuckled. "How 'bout we go to the Leaky Cauldron and get a room first, I'll explain to you later.
I can't be seen here, you know.."

Harry nodded approvingly and they went to the Leaky Cauldron, Sirius in his dog form.

They went to the counter.
"A room with two beds, please", Harry said.

Tom looked suspicious, but then saw the scar on Harry's forehead.

"I-Oh my goodness, Harry Potter, what an honor, we'll just get the grandè room finished.. Lewis, it's Harry Potter, get the penthouse in the extra building done", Tom cried.

Lewis took a look at Harry, gasped, and ran up the stairs.
Seconds later his head bobbed up on the stairs and he said excitedly:
"Follow me, Mr. Potter and Mr.-dog?!"

As soon as they arrived at they're penthouse, Harry started off by putting the 'Silencio' on the room.

"Okay", Sirius said.
"1. Question: How did I get out of Azkaban this soon?
Well, answer to that is, Fudge forgot that exceptional wizards and witches could do almost every spell wandless. Including me.
I did a simple duplicating spell on myself, they still think that I'm still in Azkaban. And when I don't answer to Fudge's questions, they think I'm insane already."
Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Really dim witted, if you asked me. 2. Question oh, we didn't have a second question."

Harry understood. It all made sense now.
They had thought that Sirius broke out of Azkaban in his third year at Hogwarts, but that was only because the duplicating charm, that Sirius cast, didn't last forever.

They chatted for the last few days before the Hogwarts Express would take Harry to Hogwarts.

TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Harry waved the black dog the last time at Platform 9 3/4.
He got into the train, searched for an empty compartment and put his trunk on the luggage holder (What are those things over the seats called?), and sat on one of the seats.

He watched as the train exited the already fading away train station, and entering a place full of trees.
Suddenly someone knocked on his compartment door.

Harry sighed. It was Ronald.

"Yes", Harry said, smiling tightly and falsely.

"Can I sit here? Every other compartment is full", Ron said.

Before Harry could answer, the trolley witch entered.

"Would you like anything sweet, my dears?", she asked kindly.

Harry bought half of the trolley, Ron ogling at the golden Galleons.

Ron smiled, suddenly, eyes still fixed on the money.
'Probably thinking about all the money he's going to get...', Harry thought bitterly. 'Oh wait, he's not going to get any.'

"Umm...", Ron said, gesturing to the seats in the compartment. "Can I..?"

"What? Oh yeah, sure", Harry muttered, distracted.

"I'm-", Ron started.

"Ron. Ron Weasley", Harry cut him off.

"Yeah", Ron said.

To say that the situation was awkward would be the understatement of the year.

"So... You're Harry Potter, right?
I think we should be friends", Ron stated after a few minutes.

"Not interested", Harry responded.

"What?!", Ron sputtered. "You have to be friends with me, I mean, I'm great!"

"Keep telling that to yourself", Harry whispered.

Suddenly Draco showed up with Blaise Zabini. "Harry, care to come to us?", Draco asked.

"Gladly", Harry answered, gratefully.

"Wait!", Ron screamed. "I'm great!
Oh, that rhythms.
'Wait, I'm great!
Wait, I'm great!' "

Harry rolled his eyes, and levitated his things out of the compartment. Draco and Blaise went forward, leading the way.

Suddenly Hermione hopped onto the way. She looked at Harry, confusion evident in her eyes.
Harry looked into her eyes.
They were.... glazed.

As if she had cried.
But her cheeks weren't stained, and her eyes weren't puffy and swollen.

It had to be something else.
Harry had the feeling he knew what it was, but couldn't remember it.

He shrugged it off and went with Draco and Blaise. They're compartment was almost full, except for three seats.

There was Pansy Parkinson, Crabbe, Goyle, and Theodore Nott.

There were eight seats, Harry noticed as he sat down, unlike his former compartment, where there were only six.

Seven were occupied by persons, the eighth was filled with trunks.

The silence was broken soon after and the seven started laughing and joking.

After some time Harry could see the castle.

He felt truly happy right now.
Phase one of his plan was done.
Rejecting Ron's friendship.

Hey guys,
I know, I'm a bit late, I want to apologise for that.
I was really lazy and my school has started again (cuz of Corona).
Yours Cactus_Girl🌵🌵🌵😘😘

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