Scared to Loose You

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Once Finnick and I got out of the chariot to be met by Mom. We started walking back to our apartment on the 4th floor.

"Tomorrow is your first day of training." Mom told Finnick and I. "Remember this year will be extremely different. Everyone has been in the Games before – and they have all won. Stay away from districts one and two, they will be lethal. Most importantly," Mom lowered her voice to a whisper. "Don't forget the plan!"


The next day...

Finnick and I walked through the dimly lit hallway leading to the Training Centre. The black, iron door opened, revealing to us the Training Centre half full of Tributes.

Memories flooded through my head from my Games.

I was surrounded by three other tributes. The careers. Two girls and one boy circled around me. The boy (from District 1) carried a sword which he pointed at directly at me he was laughing at my fear. One girl (from District 2) had an axe, she was holding it over her shoulder, she smiled wickedly at me. The other girl (from District 1) was holding a spear, which was trailed on the ground behind her. They were all only a metre away from me. I desperately looked around trying to find a way to escape from them.

It was the second day; I had already killed seven people in the Bloodbath. After, I had run for the trees, not wishing to kill any more children.

However, they had followed me. After I refused to join them, they viewed me as the biggest threat and, therefore, thought I had to be eliminated.

"Where's Mommy and Daddy now?" The district 2 girl questioned as she got ready to swing her axe.

"Or Finnick." The boy shouted.

"Are you really anybody without Mommy, Daddy and Odair?" The other girl teased.

"Oh please, your just jealous you aren't neighbors with Finnick." I spat.

I reached for my knives, I only had three. They started coming closer, they drew their weapons, ready to fight.

"Your going to regret that." I said between grit teeth.

"What can you do 4? Your surrounded." The boy taunted.

"Don't make me do this." I begged.

"Make you do what?" The girl from 1 sneered. "Face it, your going to die." She taunted. I threw a knife directly into her chest. She let out an agonizing scream and fell to the ground.

"Anyone else?" I shrugged as I pointed my two throwing knives at them. At this, they came towards me. The girl hurled her axe at me, but I swiftly jumped over it. The boy swung his sword at my throat. I spun around out of the way causing him to topple over. The girl attempted to swing her axe at my head. I ducked under it and got back up. I was now right behind her. The boy came charging towards me. I flipped over his sword. I kicked him in the chest causing him to fall over. I stabbed him in the side as he fell. He swung his sword one last time. Except this time it hit me.

I clutched where he had hit my leg. Pain shot up through my leg and into my body. The girl tried to hit me from behind with her axe. I heard it coming and swung around, just in time. With one hand on my wound, I put my other hand on her axe. I attempted to snatch it from her. She pulled her axe back. With a grunt, I removed my hand from my bleeding leg. Now that we both had both our hands on her axe, all I could do was attempt to injure her so she would let go.

She tried to headbutt me, but I tilted my head out of the way. I then tried to kick her, but she moved her legs. "Give me my axe." She screamed.

"Nope." I sighed as we continued to fight. I then bent over and bit her hand. She let out a loud scream and fell to the ground. Now on the ground, she was helpless.

"Please." She pleaded as tears filled up her eyes. "Please don't." She cried. "I have a brother. Our...our parents died. I'm all he has."

I lifted her axe and swung it through her head. "All he has." She repeated as the life disappeared from her eyes.

My knees went weak as I began to fall towards the hard, concrete floor. "I'm all he has." Echoed in my ears. I closed my eyes to hold in tears as I prepared to hit the gorund. But I never did. Strong, safe arms wrapped around me holding me close.

"Shhhh." Finnick whispered into my ear. He then led me over to a isolated corner of the Training centre. He let go of me, he put his hands on my chin and forced my sad, empty eyes to meet his beautiful, ocean eyes.

"I can't Finn. I can't go back." I whispered. "I don't want to live through that again."

"I know, I know Y/n. But you must be strong, okay? You can't let them see your fear. They'll use it against you." At first, I thought he was talking about the other Tributes. But then I realized, he was talking about the Capitol. "They'll use it to punish you, to torture you. You must be strong. Hide your fear. Show them how strong you really are."

I wrapped my arms around him. "I don't want to go back either Y/n. And..." He paused and pulled away. He looked down at the floor. I placed my hands on his cheek and gently forced his eyes to meet mine. "I'm scared. Scared I'll lose you." I smiled at him.

"You won't Finn. You won't lose me." I reassured. "Anyway," I began softly. "I'm going to go and begin training." I began to walk towards the holograms that I was going to throw knives at.

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