Chapter 7 ~ Marrage

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It had been a month and Krennic had been growing more and more happy, smirking at you and kissing you when ever he pleased.

You got on your dress and sit on your bed, I'm about to marry Orson Krennic you think, you was not sure on what to say or do. You heard a knock on your door and your father walked in, sitting down beside you he pulls you onto a hug.

'I'm sure you can escape (y/n)' Galen mummerd

'they will hurt you though, if I do' you say 'in doing this to keep us all safe' you mummer.

You hear the door opening and a stormtrooper stood in the doorway. You stand and walk with your father out of the building and into a car, Krennic sat on one side thinking but smirked when he saw you and your father.

The car set off as it drove through the streets and stopped at an important looking building. Krennic left the car, holding his hand out to you.

You gently grab his hand and you are pulled out of the car and dragged into the building.

He goes to the office and quickly you where ushered into a nicely furnished room.

You stood, anxiety filling your your stomach as your father waked in with two other officers, his face was stony but you could tell the sadness.

Krennic walked up and stood next to you as the registrar stood and spoke the vows.

Soon it was your turn to say the vows, saying I do when needed.

'If there is anyone who knows a reason in law why these two cannot marry they are to declare it' the registrar announced.

There was silence, you looked over at your father who was staring at the floor.

'Then by the power invested in me, you two are married' the registrar announced.

Krennic immediately kissed you as the two officers clapped.

Your ring was expensive, it was some pink stone in a gold band, it was now on your finger, it felt odd.

Krennic was smirking in triumph as he led you out and signed the documents quickly. Galen followed behind, he was obviously trying very hard to stop his emotions showing.

'My darling' Krennic cooed 'the Imperial ball is in three hours, I will take you to dinner if you so please'

'That sounds lovely' you say as he wraps his arm around your waist and leads you outside.

'Take Galen Erso home' he said to the stormtrooper. He nodded and Krennic guided you to a restaurant.

Mr and Mrs Krennic you think, it sounded odd to you (y/n) Krennic. You knew you would get used to it soon.

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