Chapter 6 ~ His quarters

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You had gone back to your room and collapsed on the bed, you sighed into your pillow and slowly fell asleep.

You woke up, you had slept for 3 hours, getting changed you walked out of the room towards Krennic's quarters. Gingerly you knocked on the door and he opened it. He smirked at you and you walked in, sitting on one of the seats. He sits opposite you and smiles. Wonder what he's thinking, you think.

He was thinking of pushing you up against a wall but he ignored that urge for now and you started talking about wedding plans.

He wanted something simple at a registry office with Galen and a couple other officers in a month's time and then go to the imperial ball together. You obliged and he smirked.

He kissed you slowly, taking you by surprise, you soon kissed back, enjoying the feeling it gave you.

He let go and you stood 'where are you going?' he said.

He stood to, pushing you slowly against a wall, pinning your arms to it he kisses you again, much more aggressively. You move a little and Krennic chuckles 'You are so adorable when you squirm' he whispers before letting you go and sitting down.

'I have work to do' he states. You nod and walk out

You collapse in your bed and soon fall asleep again

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